hb-web ~master

A minimal Vibe.d web interface

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Fork of vibe.d's web interface for increased convenience.

Auto injection

  • HTTPServer{Request, Response} (and HTTP{Request, Response})
  • Json payload
  • string _param -> /:param/ (if not annotated with UDAs, in order)
  • string _error (if processed with errorDisplay)

If POST or PUT the first object will be automatically serialized from req.json

auto post(Offer offer) {  ... }

Common aliases

redirect(string url)
header(string key, string val)
status(int statusCode)

@before / @after

struct AuthInfo {}
private enum auth = before!checkAuth("_auth");

private AuthInfo checkAuth(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
    if (!cond) throw new HTTPStatusException(HTTPStatus.forbidden, "Not authorized to perform this action!");
    return AuthInfo();

class UserService {
    void getFoo(AuthInfo _auth) {


class UserService {
    void getFoo(string _bar) {
  • For hb.web @path is automatically generated for non-attributed _underscored variables (TODO: is this convention worth it?)
  • The default is @rootPathFromName
  • MethodStyle: method name -> URL path.


Convenient on-demand access to session variables.

class UserService {
    private {
        SessionVar!(string, "login_user") m_loginUser;



import vibe.http.common : HTTPMethod;
class UserService {
    void getFoo(string _bar) {

    // alias.d shorthand
    void getBar(string _bar) {


class UserService {
    void getFoo(HTTPResponse res) {
        res.writeBody("<svg><circle fill="red" /></svg> ");


  • enforceHTTP(username > 0, HTTPStatus.forbidden);
  • enforceBadRequest(length > 0)
throw new HTTPStatusException(HTTPStatus.forbidden, "Not authorized to perform this action!")

@requiresAuth and @auth

class Offers
    struct AuthInfo {
        bool premium;
        bool admin;
        string userId;
        bool isAdmin() { return this.admin; }
        bool isPremiumUser() { return this.premium; }

    AuthInfo authenticate(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
        if (!isLoggedIn(req)) throw new HTTPStatusException(HTTPStatus.forbidden, "Not authorized to perform this action!");
        auto user = req.session.get!User["user"];
        return AuthInfo();

    Offer getA(string offerId)

    auto getB(string _offerId)

    @auth(Role.admin | Role.premiumUser)
    auto post(Offer offer)
        return offer;
  • every public method needs to be annotated with @noAuth, @anyAuth or @auth


// setup all routes
auto router = new URLRouter;
router.get("/", ...);

// start with the router request handler
HTTPServerRequestHandler handler = &router.handleRequest;

// successively add middleware
handler = addLogger(handler);
handler = addBasicAuth(handler);

// start the HTTP server
listenHTTP(settings, handler);

HTTPServerRequestHandler addLogger(HTTPServerRequestHander handler)
    return (req, res) {
        logInfo("Start handling request %s", req.requestURL);
        handler(req, res);
        logInfo("Finished handling request.");
  • HackBack
vibe-d:data, vibe-d:core, vibe-d:http
0.0.1 2017-Feb-09
~master 2017-Mar-20
Show all 2 versions
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