jin-go ~aligned
Thread-pooled coroutines with lock-free staticaly typed communication channels
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
Thread-pooled coroutines with wait-free staticaly typed autofinalizable communication channels.
- Static typed channels (but you can use std.variant to transfer various data).
- Minimal message size (no additional memory cost).
- Wait free channels (but if you don't check for avalability/pending you will be locked).
- Static check for message transition safety (allowed only shared, immutable and non-copyable).
- Every goroutine runs on thread poll (use runEventLoopOnce to use main thread too).
- Automatic finalizing queues on channel scope exit (use
to check it).
> .\compare.cmd
>go run app.go --release
Workers Result Time
4 4999500000 25.9163ms
>dub --quiet --build=release
Workers Result Time
4 4999500000 116 ms
I tryed to use std.parallelism instead of vibe-code. It twice faster but don't support fibers. I tryed to mix with std.concurrency but it's too hard for me.
- [mem](source/jin/go/mem.d) - Various memory constants
- [cursor](source/jin/go/cursor.d) - Atomic buffer cursor with finalization support
- [queue](source/jin/go/queue.d) - Low level 1p1c wait-free queue (prefer to use channels)
- [channel](source/jin/go/channel.d) - Common channels logic
- [input](source/jin/go/input.d) - Round-robin wait-free mp1c input channel
- [output](source/jin/go/output.d) - Round-robin wait-free 1pmc output channel
- [go](source/jin/go/go.d) - Goroutine starters
- [await](source/jin/go/await.d) - Yield lock for goroutines
"dependencies": {
"jin-go": "~>2.0"
More actual examples in unit tests.
import jin.go;
Create channels
struct Data { int val }
struct Error { string msg }
alias Algebraic!(Data,Error) Message
Input!Message messages_input;
auto messages_output = messages_input.pair;
auto messages_input2 = messages_output.pair;
Input!int ints_in;
Output!int ints_out;
Start goroutines
void incrementing( Output!int ints_out , Input!int ints_in ) {
while( ints_out.available >= 0 ) {
ints_out.put( ints_in.next + 1 );
go!incrementing( ints_in.pair , ints_out.pair );
auto ints_in = go!incrementing( ints_out.pair ); // ditto
auto squaring( int limit ) {
return limit.iota.map( i => i^^2 );
auto squares_in = go!squaring( 10 );
Provide messages
// Wait while outbox/outboxes is full
messages_output.put( Data( 123 ) ); // make and send message
messages_output.put!Data( 123 ); // ditto
// Check which count of messages can be send without locking
while( !its_out.ignore ) {
if( its_out.available > 0 ) {
ints_out.put( 7 );
Consume messages
// Wait for any message in inbox/inboxes
writeln( messages_input.next ); // take one message
writeln( messages_input.next.get!Data ); // take value from one Message
// visit one Message
( Data data ) { writeln( data.val ); } ,
( Error error ) { writeln( error.msg ); } ,
// handle all messages in cycle
while( !results.empty ) {
if( results.pending > 0 ) writeln( results.next );
// handle messages from multiple channels in cycle
while( !one.empty || !two.empty ) {
if( one.pending > 0 ) writeln( one.next );
if( two.pending > 0 ) writeln( two.next );
Complete example
import core.time;
import std.stdio;
import jin.go;
static void after(Output!bool signals, Duration dur)
static auto tick(Output!bool signals, Duration dur)
while (signals.available >= 0)
auto ticks = go!tick(100.msecs);
auto booms = go!after(450.msecs);
for (;;)
if (ticks.pending > 0)
write( "tick," );
if (booms.pending > 0)
writeln( "BOOM!" );
- Registered by nin jin
- ~aligned released 5 years ago
- nin-jin/go.d
- public domain
- public domain © 2015, jin
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- dests, vibe-core
- Versions:
3.0.2 2025-Jan-06 3.0.1 2025-Jan-06 3.0.0 2024-Dec-27 2.0.1 2020-Jun-17 2.0.0 2020-Jun-14 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
1 downloads this week
6 downloads this month
165 downloads total
- Score:
- 2.2
- Short URL:
- jin-go.dub.pm