kyle ~master

Kyle is a fast, embeddable programming language.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


A simple C-Style macro-based Programming language written in D. (Excla 2022)

A sample File would be:

? Mod is an instruction to give the file a name.

#mod main

#test_function 1 2 3 4 "fifth argument"

with a basic API.

import kyle;

void test_function(kyle_arguments ArgList) {
 string l = kyle_vararg!(string).kyle_convert_argument(0, ArgList);

void main(string[] args) {
 auto s = kyle_new(); // create a new Kyle Scope
 kyle_allow_module(s); // Allow the module header.

 kyle_set_code(s, "#print \"hello!\";");

 kyle_execute(s); // Execute.

 // After execution, you can gather information afterward.

 string module_name = kyle_toplevel_module(s);

 writeln("The module name: " ~ module_name);


The speed of Kyle is very fast.

Upon multiple tests on the unit, it took around 18 miliseconds to execute. To put that in perspective, the original Exclamation language took around 34 miliseconds, with the D version taking 26.

Which means, out of all of the other implementations, Kyle is the fastest, and most reliable implementation of Excla/Kyle.


The IF Statement

The if statement works in a very usual way, it checks if the given statement is true, using it's syntax @ <expr> { <code> }, then it will run \

Future versions will allow \

The implementation works like this:

auto if_block = kyle_new();

kyle_transfer_delegates(s, if_block);

kyle_set_code(if_block, strip(blc));

kyle_execute(if_block); // execute the if block

It will transfer it's functions, but not the variables. So be careful!

  • seymo
1.0.3 2022-Apr-27
1.0.2 2022-Apr-27
1.0.1 2022-Apr-27
1.0.0 2022-Apr-27
~master 2022-Apr-28
Show all 5 versions
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