libdaque ~docs

Daque library

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Daque Library

Daque is development team formed in mid-2018. Its main project, [ViaRE] is a procedurally generated videogame focused in the simulation of human evolution and interaction.

libdaque is the most important library used in [ViaRE], and contains more useful modules to ease game development. It is highly mathematics-focused.

libdaque handles graphic ports, mathematic operations for 3D visualization, and geometric and graphical utilities.

Some extra functions in mind, but not ready at [current version] are approximation and interpolation of curves, mesh generation, thiessen polygons, morphology and hydrology simulations, population dynamics, social network theory, and many more things that could (and will) be used in [ViaRE].

There's not 1.0.0 version yet.

  • Miguel Ángel Martínez Quevedo (quevangel)
  • David Omar Flores Chávez (davidomarf)
0.3.1-develop 2018-Oct-01
0.3.0-develop 2018-Oct-01
0.2.2 2018-Aug-14
0.2.1 2018-Aug-11
0.2.0 2018-Aug-11
Show all 12 versions
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