lubeck 0.0.1

Hight level linear algebra library for Dlang

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Hight level linear algebra library for Dlang

Required static libraries

  • blas/cblas - CBLAS API
  • lapack - FORTRAN 77 LAPACK API


  • mtimes - General matrix-matrix, row-matrix, matrix-column, and row-column multiplications.
  • mldivide - Solve systems of linear equations AX = B for X. Computes minimum-norm solution to a linear least squares problem if A is not a square matrix.
  • inv - Inverse of matrix.
  • svd - Singular value decomposition.
  • pca - Principal component analysis of raw data.
  • pinv - Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix.
  • det/detSymmetric - General/symmetric matrix determinant.
  • eigSymmetric - Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrix.

This work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic Associates.

  • Ilya Yaroshenko
  • Lars Tandle Kyllingstad (SciD author)
mir-lapack, mir-blas
1.5.4 2023-Jul-24
1.5.3 2022-Nov-18
1.5.2 2022-Nov-17
1.5.1 2022-Feb-24
1.5.0 2021-Aug-20
Show all 40 versions
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