lumars 1.0.1

A high level, lightweight LUA library.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Lumars is a high-level wrapper around LUA 5.1 that aims to be lightweight while providing high quality of life features.

This library is in its early stages, so expect bugs. If you can be bothered, please open an issue alongside a minimised, idependent snippet of code that I can add as a unittest, which will also make it easier for me to debug.


  • Statically linked
  • Bundled with prebuilt binaries for LuaJit for Windows and Posix
  • Dynamic values using TaggedAlgebraic
  • Ability to convert most D and Lua types to eachother (including structs)
  • Provides a high level interface, but also allows manual manipulation of the stack
  • Uses a struct-based API instead of classes, to minimise GC usage
  • Some types use ref counting in order to be easy to move around while still keeping lifetime guarentees
  • Doesn't shy away from the GC, but does try to minimise usage of it
  • Supports Lua 5.1 (mainly for LuaJit)
  • Bind Lua functions to statically typed D functions
  • Lambdas, functions, and delegates can all be exposed to Lua

Quick Start

Hello World

Create a new LuaState, passing in null so a new state is created. This struct is non-copyable so you might want to put it on the GC heap.

import lumars;

void main()
    auto l = LuaState(null); // Or `new LuaState`
    // openlibs is automatically called

    l.doString(`print("Hello, world!")`);

Here's another way by using the built-in print function.

import lumars;

void main()
    auto l = LuaState(null);

    auto print = l.globalTable.get!LuaFunc("print");
    print.pcall!0("Hello, world!");
    // !0 means "no return results"

And here's another way where we bind the Lua function into a D function:

import lumars;

void main()
    auto l = LuaState(null);

    auto print = l.globalTable.get!LuaFunc("print").bind!(void, string);
    print("Hello, world!");

    // If you want to pass it around like a D func:
    alias Func = void delegate(string);
    Func f = &print.asDelegate;


New Table

import lumars;

void main()
    auto l = LuaState(null);
    auto t = LuaTable.makeNew(&l);

    t["a"] = "bc";
    t[1] = 23;

    assert(t.get!string("a") == "bc");
    assert(t.get!int(1) == 23);

Iterate with ipairs

import std.conv : to;

auto l = LuaState(null);
l.doString(`t = { 1, 2, 3 }`);

auto t = l.globalTable.get!LuaTable("t");
auto sum = 0;
t.ipairs!((i, /*LuaValue*/ v)
    sum += v.value!!int; // LuaNumber is `double`
assert(sum == 6);

Iterate with statically typed ipairs

auto l = LuaState(null);
l.doString(`t = { 1, 2, 3 }`);

auto t = l.globalTable.get!LuaTable("t");
t.ipairs!(int, (i, /*int*/ v)
    assert(i == v);

Iterate with pairs

auto l = LuaState(null);
l.doString(`t = { a = "bc", [1] = 23 }`);

auto t = l.globalTable.get!LuaTable("t");
t.pairs!((k, v) // Both are LuaValue
    if(k.isText && k.value!string == "a")
        assert(v.value!string == "bc");
    else if(k.isNumber && k.value!LuaNumber == 1)
        assert(v.value!LuaNumber == 23);

Iterate with statically typed pairs

auto l = LuaState(null);
l.doString(`t = { a = "bc", easy = 123 }`);

auto t = l.globalTable.get!LuaTable("t");
t.pairs!(string, LuaValue, (/*string*/ k, /*LuaValue*/ v)
    if(k == "a")
        assert(v.value!string == "bc");
    else if(k == "easy")
        assert(v.value!LuaNumber == 123);

Array conversion

auto l = LuaState(null);
l.doString(`t = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }`);

auto arr = l.globalTable.get!(int[])("t");
assert(arr == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);



auto l = LuaState(null);
auto t = LuaTable.makeNew(&l);

t["echo"] = (string text){ writeln(text); };

auto f = t.get!LuaFunc("echo").bind!(void, string);
f("Hello, World!");

Mapping function

import std.conv : to;

auto l = LuaState(null);

int[] map(int[] input, LuaFunc mapper)
    foreach(ref num; input)
        LuaValue[1] result = mapper.pcall!1(num);
        num = result[0].value!!int; // Lua numbers are doubles

    return input;

l.globalTable["map"] = ↦
    local values = {1, 2, 3}
    local func   = function(n) return n * 2 end
    local result = map(values, func)
    assert(result[1] == 2 and result[2] == 4 and result[3] == 6)


Lumars can convert D structs to and from Lua.

When converting from Lua to D, any unknown fields are ignored, and any missing fields in the struct are set to their initial value.

In the future I'd like to introduce UDAs to customise behaviour, but for now this should be a sensible default.

static struct B
    string a;

static struct C
    string a;

static struct A
    string a;
    B[] b;
    C[string] c;

auto a = A(
    ["c": C("123")]

auto l = LuaState(null);

// *Anything* that .push can use is also useable by the likes of LuaTable.
// We're doing manual stack manip just because it's simpler for this case.
scope(exit) l.pop(1);
auto luaa = l.get!A(-1);

assert(luaa.a == "bc");
assert(luaa.b.length == 1);
assert(luaa.b == [B("c")]);
assert(luaa.c.length == 1);
assert(luaa.c["c"] == C("123"));

Another example:

struct Vector2D
    float x;
    float y;

auto l = LuaState(null);

    function addVectors(vectA, vectB)
        return {
            x = vectA.x + vectB.x,
            y = vectA.y + vectB.y

auto f = l.globalTable.get!LuaFunc("addVectors").bind!(Vector2D, Vector2D, Vector2D);
    Vector2D(1, 1),
    Vector2D(9, 9)
) == Vector2D(10, 10));


I'm perfectly fine with anyone wanting to contribute.

I'd especially love it if you open an issue if you come across any bugs.

I'd also love it if you ever think "how do I do X?" and open an issue for it so I can add it to this README.

  • Bradley Chatha
bindbc-lua, taggedalgebraic
1.13.0-alpha.1 2023-Aug-09
1.12.1 2023-Jun-23
1.12.0 2023-May-03
1.11.0 2023-Apr-05
1.10.0 2023-Feb-05
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