md 0.3.1

A tool for executing sources in Markdown.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:



This is a tool to run Markdown code blocks.

This can be used by CI to guarantee that the samples written in the README will work.


Run it as dub fetch md and dub run md --

Also, this is also executable.


The code block whose language is specified as d or D will be executed.

Combine blocks

If there are multiple blocks as shown below, they will be combined and executed.

block 1

import std;

auto message = "Hello, " ~ "Markdown!";

block 2

writeln(message); // Hello, Markdown!

Disabled block

Code blocks specified as disabled will not be executed, as shown below.



disabled code block

throw new Exception("disabled");

Named block

Can give an independent scope to a block of code by giving it a name like the following. Even if they are written separately, they will be combined like a block if they have the same name.



import std;

auto buf = iota(10).array();

If name is not specified, it is treated as the name main.

Scoped block

To make a single block of code run independently without being combined with other blocks, give it the attribute single.



single block

import std;

auto message = "single code block";

Current package reference

If the current directory is a dub package, the dependency will be automatically added.

For example, if this README is in the same directory as md/dub.sdl, then can import commands.main of md.

import commands.main;
import std.stdio;

writeln("current package: ", loadCurrentProjectName());


The normal code blocks are executed as if they were written in void main() {}. The source will be generated with void main() { and } appended before and after.

If you want the code block to be interpreted as a single source file, you can add a global attribute to the code block, which will not be combined with other code blocks as with the single attribute.



single file

import std;

void main()
    writeln("Hello, Markdown!");


How it works

Create a .md directory in the temp directory, generate the source in dub single file format, and run it with a command like dub run --single

It also automatically adds the following comment to the beginning of the source to achieve default package references.

/+ dub.sdl:
    dependency "md" path="C:\\work\md"



A normal code block will generate the source enclosed in void main() {}. UFCS will not work because the function definition is not a global function.

this code doesn't work

auto sum(R)(R range)
    import std.range : ElementType;

    alias E = ElementType!R;
    auto result = E(0);
    foreach (x; range)
        result += x;
    return result;

auto arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
auto result = arr.sum();

It works by setting the global attribute and writing the main function appropriately.

this code works

auto sum(R)(R range)
    import std.range : ElementType;

    alias E = ElementType!R;
    auto result = E(0);
    foreach (x; range)
        result += x;
    return result;

void main()
    auto arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
    auto result = arr.sum();
  • lempiji
jcli, commonmark-d
0.5.0-beta 2022-Oct-16
0.4.0 2021-Dec-23
0.3.1 2021-May-07
0.3.0 2021-May-04
0.2.0 2021-May-04
Show all 7 versions
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