miniweb 1.0.1
A minimal yet complete web framework
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:
miniweb:http - A full HTTP parser, supporting HTTP/1.x
miniweb:serialize-d - Integration of the serialize-d package into miniweb
A minimal yet complete webframework.
Notice: miniweb will NOT recieve further updates; please switch to ninox-d_web!
The code in this repository is licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later; for more details see the LICENSE
file in the repository.
Getting started
This library aims to have an small but complete webframework for dlang projects.
A simple hello world project:
module test;
import miniweb;
import miniweb.main;
mixin MiniWebMain!test;
void configureServer(ServerConfig conf) {
conf.setCustomServerInfo("My Fancy Server");
void doSomething() {
writeln("Does something!");
@GET @Route("/returnSomething")
Response returnSomething(HeaderBag headers) {
auto resp = Response.build_200_OK();
resp.headers.set("X-My-Header", headers.get("X-My-Header"));
resp.setBody("Hello world!");
return resp;
Miniweb has the ability to analyse annotated functions and call them with any order of parameters, as long as minweb supports the type.
Currently supported are:
get the raw http requestMiniwebRequest
get the miniweb requestHeaderBag
get the headers of the requestURI
get the uri of the requestQueryParamBag
get the query params of the requestHttpMethod
get the requests HTTP method of the request@Header
params get the specified header; Uses the parameter name if none is supplied@QueryParam
params get the specified header; Uses the parameter name as queryparam name if none is supplied, same with default value@PathParam
params get the specified path parameter; Uses the parameter name if none is supplied
To use middlewares you have two options, either create a named one or use functionals:
@RegisterMiddleware("my_middleware") // registers a named middleware
MaybeResponse handler(Request req) {
return MaybeResponse.none(); // returns a Option!Response with no value set,
// which effectivly means to call either the next middleware
// or the handler.
// Middlewares can either return MaybeResponse or void and have
// the same freedom in their parameters as normal route handlers
void otherHandler() {}
@Middleware("my_middleware") // applies a named middleware
Response returnSomething(HeaderBag headers) {
// ...
// This is a functional middleware, it accepts a delegate/function directly
@Middleware((req) {
return MaybeReponse.none();
Response someWhereOther() {
// ...
Usage of path parameters:
// To use path parameters, just use the syntax :<a-zA-Z0-9_> inside the route matcher.
// @Route declarations also now support the `?` specified which make the character before it optional.
@GET @Route("/user/:username/?")
Response getUser(@PathParam string username) {
// ...
Custom return types:
import std.conv : to;
class CustomValue {
private int num;
this(int num) { this.num = num; }
Response toResponse(Request req) {
auto resp = Response.build_200_OK();
"host is: " ~ req.headers.getOne("host") ~ "\n"
~ "num is: " ~ to!string(this.num) ~ "\n");
return resp;
@GET @Route("/customValue/:val")
CustomValue getCustomValue(@PathParam string val) {
return new CustomValue( to!int(val) );
Miniweb supports serialization via three annotations:
: sets a list of valid content-types the endpoint can return. Also has the effect that the route is secured through a need for the client to specify the wanted mime-type via theAccept
header. If nothing is matched a 406 can be returned to indicate that the server could not satisfy the request because of theAccept
constraint. As a second side-effect, you also can then use any custom type as returntype and miniweb's serialization module ensures that the object is properly serialized (if setup that is!)@Consumes
: sets a list of valid content-types the endpoint can consume. Should only be used when the endpoint can actually recieve data (unlike HEAD and GET request!). It also adds an constraint to ensure that only requests with the desired content-type are getting wired through to the handler. And last but not least it allows to use one otherwise not matched parameter to be used for the body of the request and is deserialized through miniweb's serialization module.
Now to setup serialization: either you use the subpackage miniweb:serialize-d
(see below) or you can implement your own serialization logic. For that simply implement something similar to the following:
import miniweb.serialization;
// the 'Mapper' UDA serves two purposes: allows to specify the mime-types that serializer applies to,
// as well as to actually being picked by miniweb as a serializer / mapper.
class JsonMapperImpl {
// the deserialize function; responsible to deserialize any buffer of data into an instance of T
static T deserialize(T)(void[] buffer) {
import serialize_d.json.serializer;
auto mapper = new JsonMapper();
return mapper.deserialize!(T)( cast(string) buffer );
// the serialize function; responsible to serialize any given value into a string
static string serialize(T)(auto ref T value) {
import serialize_d.json.serializer;
auto mapper = new JsonMapper();
return mapper.serialize!T(value);
Note: both methods need to be static in order to work!
A package vital if you want to utilize the serialize-d package in your project to handle serialization.
To use it, simple import it and use any of the provided templates + mixin to generate the glue code:
import miniweb.serialize_d;
mixin MiniWebMain!(test);
Since miniweb searches all mappers automatically in the modules you provide to MiniWebMain
and the mixin(mkJsonMapper!());
exposes the glue code into your module, everything is setup to simply start using serialization!
Note: the package expects your project to depend on every single serializer you want from serialize-d; so for json support you need to add serialize-d:json
to your dependencies!
Note: also make sure to setup all mappers via this way before you call miniwebs init-code (for example via MiniWebMain
). Otherwise the glue code dosnt get properly detected and miniweb dosnt pick up on the serializers/mappers.
- More bodytypes to move data
- Allowing more returntypes, i.e. auto-serializing
- Allowing detection of more request parameters
- Routes with regex
- Full http/1.1 support
- http/2 support
- ssl/tls support
- ...
- Registered by Mai Lapyst
- 1.0.1 released 2 years ago
- Bithero-Agency/miniweb-d
- AGPL-3.0-or-later
- Copyright © 2023, Mai-Lapyst
- Authors:
- Sub packages:
- miniweb:test, miniweb:http, miniweb:serialize-d
- Dependencies:
- miniweb:http, miniasync
- Versions:
1.0.1 2023-Jul-09 1.0.0 2023-Jul-03 0.4.0 2023-Jun-08 0.3.0 2023-Apr-09 0.2.0 2023-Apr-09 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
0 downloads this month
29 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.5
- Short URL: