mupdf 1.21.1

Bindings for MuPDF

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

MuPDF for Dlang

This repository contains Dlang bindings for MuPDF and tools to auto-generate them for arbitrary versions.


  1. Build and install from MuPDF sources, or alternatively:

    sudo apt install -y libmupdf-dev
  2. Add the package via DUB:

    dub add mupdf
  3. Import the package, and follow the MuPDF API documentation as needed, e.g.:

    import mupdf;

    void main() {

    auto ctx = fz_new_context(null, null, FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED);
    auto doc = pdf_open_document(ctx, "path/to/file.pdf");
    // ...


Note the following remarks:

  • All PDF_NAME(x) macro invocations must be replaced with PDF_NAME_x shorthands.

Current known limitations of these bindings:

  • Only POSIX support for now.
  • Many helper functions defined via preprocessor macros are not available.
  • Exceptions via fz_try, fz_always, fz_catch are not supported.


To generate Dlang bindings for an arbitrary version of MuPDF:

  1. Install DPP.

  2. Run the script and follow usage instructions, e.g. to generate bindings for mupdf-1.19.0 run the following command:

    ./ 1.19.0
1.21.1 2023-Feb-06
1.21.0 2022-Nov-29
1.21.0-patch1 2023-Jan-24
1.19.0 2021-Dec-02
1.19.0-windows 2022-Nov-29
Show all 6 versions
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