mysql-lited 0.4.9
Lightweight native MySQL/MariaDB driver
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
A lightweight native MySQL/MariaDB driver written in D
The goal is a native driver that re-uses the same buffers and the stack as much as possible, avoiding unnecessary allocations and work for the garbage collector
- supports all MySQL types with conversion from/to D native types
- results can be retrieved through a flexible and efficient callback interface
- socket type is a template parameter - currently only a vibesocket is implemented
- both the text and the binary protocol are supported
import std.stdio;
import mysql;
void usedb() {
// use the default mysql client - uses only prepared statements
auto client = new MySQLClient(";user=root;pwd=god;db=mew");
auto conn = client.lockConnection();
// use the text protocol instead - instantiate the MySQLClientT template with appropriate arguments
alias MySQLTextClient = MySQLClientT!(VibeSocket, ConnectionOptions.TextProtocol | ConnectionOptions.TextProtocolCheckNoArgs);
auto textClient = new MySQLTextClient(";user=root;pwd=god;db=mew");
auto textConn = textClient.lockConnection();
// change database
// simple insert statement
conn.execute("insert into users (name, email) values (?, ?)", "frank", "[email protected]");
auto id = conn.insertID;
struct User {
string name;
string email;
// simple select statement
User[] users;
conn.execute("select name, email from users where id > ?", 13, (MySQLRow row) {
users ~= row.toStruct!User;
// batch inserter - inserts in packets of 128k bytes
auto insert = inserter(conn, "users_copy", "name", "email");
foreach(user; users)
//struct inserter - insterts struct directly using the field names and UDAs.
struct Info{
string employee = "employee";
int duration_in_months = 12;
struct InsuranceInfo {
int number = 50;
Date started = Date(2015,12,25);
@ignore string description = "insurance description";
Info info;
struct BankInfo {
string iban;
string name;
@as("country") string bankCountry;
struct Client {
@as("name") string clientName = "default name";
@as("email") string emailAddress = "default email";
@as("token") string uniuqeToken = "default token";
@as("birth_date") Date birthDate = Date(1991, 9, 9);
@ignore string moreInfoString;
InsuranceInfo insurance;
BankInfo bank;
Client client;
auto inserter = inserter(conn, "client", "name", "email", "birth_date", "token", "", "bank.iban", "" ,
"insurance.number", "insurance.started", "", "");
auto dbClient = conn.fetchOne!Client("select * from client limit 1");
assert(client.serialize == dbClient.serialize)
//batch insert struct array
Client[] clients = [Client(), Client(), Client()];
// re-usable prepared statements
auto upd = conn.prepare("update users set sequence = ?, login_at = ?, secret = ? where id = ?");
ubyte[] bytes = [0x4D, 0x49, 0x4C, 0x4B];
foreach(i; 0..100)
conn.execute(upd, i, Clock.currTime, MySQLBinary(bytes), i);
// passing variable or large number of arguments
string[] names;
string[] emails;
int[] ids = [1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 13];
conn.execute("select name from users where id in " ~ ids.placeholders, ids, (MySQLRow row) {
writeln(!(char[])); // peek() avoids allocation - cannot use result outside delegate
names ~=!string; // get() duplicates - safe to use result outside delegate
emails ~=!string;
// another query example
conn.execute("select id, name, email from users where id > ?", 13, (size_t index /*optional*/, MySQLHeader header /*optional*/, MySQLRow row) {
writeln(header[0].name, ": ",!int);
return (index < 5); // optionally return false to discard remaining results
// structured row
conn.execute("select name, email from users where length(name) > ?", 5, (MySQLRow row) {
auto user = row.toStruct!User; // default is strict.yesIgnoreNull - a missing field in the row will throw
// auto user = row.toStruct!(User, Strict.yes); // missing or null will throw
// auto user = row.toStruct!(User,; // missing or null will just be ignored
// structured row with nested structs
struct GeoRef {
double lat;
double lng;
struct Place {
string name;
GeoRef location;
conn.execute("select name, lat as ``, lng as `location.lng` from places", (MySQLRow row) {
auto place = row.toStruct!Place;
// structured row annotations
struct PlaceFull {
uint id;
string name;
@optional string thumbnail; // ok to be null or missing
@optional GeoRef location; // nested fields ok to be null or missing
@optional @as("contact_person") string contact; // optional, and sourced from field contact_person instead
@ignore File tumbnail; // completely ignored
conn.execute("select id, name, thumbnail, lat as ``, lng as `location.lng`, contact_person from places", (MySQLRow row) {
auto place = row.toStruct!PlaceFull;
// automated struct member uncamelcase
@uncamel struct PlaceOwner {
uint placeID; // matches placeID and place_id
uint locationId; // matches locationId and location_id
string ownerFirstName; // matches ownerFirstName and owner_first_name
string ownerLastName; // matches ownerLastName and owner_last_name
string feedURL; // matches feedURL and feed_url
- add proper unit tests
- implement COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA, and a single parameter binding interface
- make vibe-d dependency optional
- Registered by Márcio Martins
- 0.4.9 released 6 years ago
- eBookingServices/mysql-lited
- MIT License
- Copyright © 2015, Marcio Martins
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- vibe-d
- Versions:
0.4.9 2019-Aug-01 0.4.8 2019-Apr-10 0.4.7 2019-Feb-01 0.4.6 2018-Nov-07 0.4.5 2018-Sep-07 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
1 downloads this month
4857 downloads total
- Score:
- 2.0
- Short URL: