nice-curses 0.2.5

A nice object-oriented wrapper over ncurses library.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Using D bindings of ncurses library directly is a bit of a pain - error codes instead of exceptions, pointers instead of strings, multitude of functions to do essentially the same thing make writing D programs quite awkward. 'nice-curses' attempts to provide a nicer object-oriented interface to the library, taking advantage of D's exception mechanism and its ability to overload functions.

'nice-curses' can also serve as an UI library, providing several basic UI elements and container for them.

The library consists of three modules: nice.curses, which provides wrappers over ncurses library, nice.ui.base, which provides the basis on which UIs are built, and nice.ui.elements, which provides some predefined UI element classes. nice.ui.base publicly imports nice.curses and nice.ui.elements publicly imports both nice.curses and nice.ui.base.


The library needs to be initialized prior to using it. Initialization is quite simple: you create a Curses.Config struct (see Curses.Config subsection for details) and feed it to the Curses constructor. In other words

Curses.Config cfg = { /* Desired configuration. */ };
auto curses = new Curses(cfg);

That's it. The library is initialized and ready for work. As a side note, consider adding scope(exit) destroy(curses); somewhere nearby.

Note that Unicode input and output, while supported, is very likely to be affected by the locale settings of your terminal. If you see garbage, check which locale you're using.

struct Curses.Config

A Curses.Config struct has following fields:

  • bool useColors = true - set this to request color support from the library.
  • bool useStdColors = true - set this to fill colors ColorTable field of a Curses object with color pairs of default colors.
  • bool disableEcho = false - set this to enter noecho mode;
  • Mode mode = Mode.normal - choose one of the terminal modes (consult your ncurses documentation for difference between them):
    • normal
    • cbreak
    • halfdelay
    • raw
  • int cursLevel = 1 - set cursor visibility. 0 means invisible, 1 means normal and 2 means very visible.
  • bool initKeypad = true - set this to make all spawned windows to enter keypad mode (this is most likely what you want, consult man keypad).
  • bool nl = false - when set, the program will enter nl mode, otherwise the program will enter nonl mode (consult ncurses docs for this).
  • bool nodelay = false - when set, the program will enter nodelay mode.

Usage as an ncurses wrapper

Once the library is set up, you can either create new windows with newWindow method of a Curses object, or use its field stdscr. Perform some drawing on them, then call refresh method of a Window object on each, and then call update method of the Curses object.

class Curses

Curses objects have following public fields:

  • Window stdscr - default drawing Window.
  • ColorTable colors - a container for defined color pairs.
  • static bool echoMode - indicates whether the program is in echo or noecho mode.

Curses object provides following methods:

  • Window newWindow(int nlines, int ncols, int begin_y, int begin_x) - create a new window.
  • Window duplicateWindow(Window which) - create an exact copy of a window.
  • void deleteWindow(Window which) - delete a window and all its subwindows.
  • void setMode(Mode mode, int delayForHD = 1) - enter one of the terminal modes (normal, cbreak, halfdelay and raw). Optional argument delayForHD sets the delay for halfdelay mode.

All the other methods are static:

  • static void beep() - beeps.
  • static void delayOutput(int ms) - pause the output for a given amount of milliseconds.
  • static void echo(bool set) - enter either echo or noecho mode.
  • static void flash() - flashes the screen.
  • static void flushInput() - discard any unprocessed input from the user.
  • static void nap(int ms) - pause for a given number of milliseconds.
  • static void resetTTY() - reset TTY to a previously saved state.
  • static void saveTTY() - save TTY state.
  • static void setCursor(int level) - set cursor visibility (0 means invisible, 1 - normal, 2 - very visible).
  • static void ungetch(int ch) - put a character back into input.
  • static void update() - perform actual drawing from the backbuffer.
  • static RGB colorContent(short color) - returns the (red, green, blue) color content of a given color.
  • static string keyName(int key) - return the name of a given key.

There are also several static properties:

  • static int lines - number of lines in the screen.
  • static int cols - number of columns in the screen.
  • static int maxColors - maximum number of supported colors.
  • static int maxColorPairs - maximum number of supported color pairs.
  • static int tabSize - amount of spaces in a tab character.
  • static int escDelay - the number of milliseconds to wait after reading an escape character.
  • static int baudrate - the output speed of the terminal.
  • static bool canChangeColor - indicates whether it's possible to redefine colors.
  • static bool hasColors - indicates whether the terminal supports colors.

class Window

Objects of Window class have a single public field: ColorTable colors, which they inherit from the Curses object they were created with. There's no publicly available constructor for Window class. You have to create them either via newWindow or duplicateWindow methods of the Curses class or via subwin and derwin methods of the Window class.

These are the methods for general manipulation of windows:

  • void keypad(bool set) - enter or leave keypad mode.
  • void move(int y, int x) - move the cursor to the specified position. May throw a NCException if the move is impossible.
  • void moveWindow(int y, int x) - move the window itself. May throw a NCException if the move would result in a part of the window being offscreen.
  • void refresh() - makes next call to Curses.update draw the latest changes to the window.
  • void bkgd(chtype ch) - see 'man 3 bkgd'.
  • void bkgdset(chtype ch) - see 'man 3 bkgdset'.
  • void clear() - clear the window. For difference with erase consult 'man 3 clear'.
  • void clearToBottom() - clear the window from the current cursor position to the bottom.
  • void clearToEOL() - clear the window from the cursor position to the end of line.
  • void deleteln() - delete a line under the cursor.
  • void erase() - clear the screen. For difference with clear consult 'man 3 clear'.
  • void insdel(int n) - delete and insert n lines under the cursor.
  • void insertln() - insert a line at the top of the current line.
  • void scroll(int n) - scroll the window by n lines.
  • void timeout(int ms) - sets the timeout value to ms milliseconds, see 'man 3 timeout'.

These are the methods for child windows management:

  • Window subwin(int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x) - create a subwindow.
  • Window derwin(int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x) - derive a window.
  • void deleteChild(Window child) - deletes a child window. For difference between subwin and derwin consult your ncurses documentation.

These are the drawing primitives. Those that take coordinates all throw a NCException if the requested position is outside the window. For those functions that take cchar_t arguments, consider constructing them via CChar struct (see CChar section on details). Wherever a String template parameter is used, it means an input range with element type implicitly castable to dchar. Wherever a Range template parameter is mentioned, it means an input range with element type implicitly castable to chtype.

  • void addch(C: wint_t, A: chtype)(int y, int x, C ch, A attr = Attr.normal) Draws a single character at the given position with given attribute.
  • void addch(C: wint_t, A: chtype)(C ch, A attr = Attr.normal) Draws a single character at the current cursor position with given attribute.
  • void addnstr(String, Range)(int y, int x, String str, int n, Range attrs, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Draws a string at the given position, but no more than n characters. Each character gets an attribute from attrs range (str and attrs are iterated over in lockstep). Drawing stops when any of the following conditions occur: str is exausted, attrs is exausted, n characters were drawn, window's lower right corner was reached. If the string doesn't fit into the window and onOOB is set to OOB.except, an exception will be thrown. Otherwise the method will silently drop the rest of the input.
  • void addnstr(String, Range)(String str, int n, Range attrs, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as before, but uses current cursor coordinates.
  • void addnstr(String, A: chtype)(int y, int x, String str, int n, A attr = Attr.normal, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as the first one, but uses the same attribute for the entire string.
  • void addnstr(String, A: chtype)(String str, int n, A attr = Attr.normal, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as the previous one, but uses current cursor coordinates.
  • void addstr(String, Range)(int y, int x, String str, Range attrs, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as the first addnstr, but doesn't impose a restriction on the number of written characters.
  • void addstr(String, Range)(String str, Range attrs, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as the previous one, but uses current cursor's coordinates.
  • void addstr(String, A: chtype)(int y, int x, String str, A attr = Attr.normal, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as the first addstr, but uses the same attribute for the entire string.
  • void addstr(String, A: chtype)(String str, A attr = Attr.normal, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as the previous one, but uses current cursor's cooridnates.
  • void addAligned(String, Range)(int y, int x, String str, Align alignment, Range attrs, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) The behaviour depends on the alignment parameter. If it's Align.left then y and x are the coordinates of the text's upper-left corner, and the text will be left-justified. If it's then y and x are the coordinates of the first line's center, and the text will be centered around this point. If it's Align.right, then y and x are the coordinates of the text's upper-right corner, and the text will be right-justified. If onOOB is set to OOB.ignore the text that doesn't fit into the window will be silently discarded, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
  • void addAligned(String, A: chtype) (int y, int x, String str, Align alignment, A attr = Attr.normal, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as before, but uses the same attribute for the entire string.
  • void addAligned(String, Range)(int y, String str, Align alignment, Range attrs, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as the first one, but uses the whole window's width and figures out x coordinate from the alignment parameter.
  • void addAligned(String, A: chtype)(int y, String str, Align alignment, A attr, OOB onOOB = OOB.ignore) Same as the previous one, but uses the same attribute for the entire string.
  • `void border(chtype left, chtype right, chtype top, chtype bottom,
    chtype topLeft, chtype topRight, chtype bottomLeft, chtype bottomRight)`

Draws a border around window edges.

  • `void border(cchart left, cchart right, cchart top, cchart bottom,
    cchar_t topLeft, cchar_t topRight, cchar_t bottomLeft, cchar_t bottomRight)`

Draws a border around window edges using wide characters.

  • void box(chtype vertical, chtype horizontal) - draws a box around window edges.
  • void box(cchar_t vertical, cchar_t horizontal) - ditto.
  • void delch(int y, int x) - delete a character at the given position.
  • void delch() - delete a character under the cursor.
  • void insert(int y, int x, chtype ch) - insert a character at the given position.
  • void insert(chtype ch) - insert a character at the cursor position.
  • void insert(int y, int x, string str) - insert a string at the given position.
  • void insert(string str) - insert a string at the current cursor position.
  • void hline(int y, int x, chtype ch, int n) - draw a horizontal line of n characters at the given position.
  • void hline(chtype ch, int n) - draw a horizontal line of n characters at the current cursor position.
  • void hline(int y, int x, cchar_t ch, int n) - draw a horizontal line of n characters at the given position.
  • void hline(cchar_t ch, int n) - draw a horizontal line of n characters at the current cursor position.
  • void vline(int y, int x, chtype ch, int n) - draw a vertical line of n characters at the given position.
  • void vline(chtype ch, int n) - draw a vertical line of n characters at the current cursor position.
  • void vline(int y, int x, cchar_t ch, int n) - draw a vertical line of n characters at the given position.
  • void vline(cchar_t ch, int n) - draw a vertical line of n characters at the current cursor position.
  • void overlay(Window target) - overlay this window on top of another. Blanks are not copied.
  • void overwrite(Window target) - overlay this window on top of another. Blanks are copied.

These are for retrieving information from the window.

  • int getch() - get a single narrow key from the keyboard. Might throw in timeout mode (see timeout method).
  • WChar getwch() - get a single wide character from the keyboard. Might throw in timeout mode (see timeout method).
  • int curX() - get the X coordinate of the cursor.
  • int curY() - get the Y coordinate of the cursor.
  • int width() - get the width of the window.
  • int height() - get the height of the window.
  • string getstr(int maxLength, bool echoChars = true) - get a string of characters at most maxLength long. May or may not echo the characters being typed.
  • string getstr(bool echoChars = true) - get a string of characters. May or may not echo the characters being typed.
  • string getstr(bool delegate(wint_t) predicate, bool echoChars = true) - get a string of characters, blocking all keys such that the given predicate returns false on them. May or may not echo the characters being typed.
  • chtype[] inchstr() - get an array of characters and attributes from the cursor to the right margin of the window.
  • chtype[] inchstr(int n) - same, but limit the maximum amount of the characters read.
  • chtype[] inchstr(int y, int x) - same, but move the cursor to the given position first.
  • chtype[] inchstr(int y, int x, int n) - same, but with limit on the length of the resulting array and with moving the cursor.

class ColorTable

A ColorTable object stores information about defined colors and color pairs. It can be indexed in two ways:

  • By a pair of shorts: the first is foreground color index, the second is background.
  • By a single short: it is a color pair index.

Indexing yields an attribute that can be used as a parameter to addch, addstr and the like. It may throw an exception if a requested pair is not in the table.

Apart of this, a ColorTable object has following methods:

  • short addPair(short fg, short bg) - define a new color pair and return its index. Throws an exception if a new pair cannot be added.
  • void redefineColor(short color, short r, short g, short b) - redefine a color with given index. Throws an exception if the color cannot be redefined.
  • short addColor(short r, short g, short b) - add a new color with given RGB content. Return the index of the new color. Throws an exception if a new color cannot be added.
  • short addColor(RGB color) - same.
  • void removePair(short pairIndex) - mark a pair for overwriting.
  • void removeColor(short colorIndex) - mark a color for overwriting.
  • void initDefaultColors() - initialize color pairs from StdColor enum. This is called if you request standard colors in Curses configuration.

Helper things

struct WChar

The return type of the getwch() method. Has following (read-only) properties:

  • bool isSpecialKey - indicates whether the WChar contains a result of pressing a function key.
  • int key - if isSpecialKey is true, contains the pressed key. Undefined otherwise.
  • wint_t chr - if isSpecialKey is false, contains the typed character. Undefined otherwise.

struct CChar

A struct representing a wide character with attributes. Uses alias this, so it can be used whereever a cchar_t is expected.

Two constructors are available:

this(wint_t chr, chtype attr = Attr.normal)
this(const wint_t[] chars, chtype attr = Attr.normal)

The first one constructs a CChar from a single wide character, the second one - from a string of wide characters.

enum Attr

A set of possible (and binary OR-able) attributes for drawing characters. Following attributes are available:

  • normal
  • charText
  • color
  • standout
  • underline
  • reverse
  • blink
  • dim
  • bold
  • altCharSet
  • invis
  • protect
  • horizontal
  • left
  • low
  • right
  • top
  • vertical

enum StdColor

A set of default colors:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white

struct RGB

Used to represent colors. Has three fields:

  • short r - the red component.
  • short g - the green component.
  • short b - the blue component.

enum Key

A set of constants that getch may return. For the full set, see the table in man 3 getch. As a general rule, you can get a Key.something from corresponding KEY_SOMETHING by dropping KEY_ part and changing the rest to lower case. The only exception is KEY_BREAK, with corresponding Key.codeBreak, to avoid using a keyword as an identifier.

enum Align

  • left
  • center
  • right

Usage as an UI library

When using 'nice-curses' as a UI library, you still need to initialize it as was shown before. In addition, you need to create an UI object. The constructor takes a Curses object, a Window object, and an optional UI.Config struct:

UI.Config cfg = { /* Some configuration. */ };
auto ui = new UI(curses, curses.stdscr, cfg);

After that, you can construct some UI elements. All of the currently available UI element classes take UI object as the first argument of their constructors so there's no need to explicitly add them to the UI object via addElement method.

Assuming you use the usual processing loop approach, you need then to read keyboard input with getwch and feed it to the UI via its void keystroke(WChar key) method. Note that this method may raise an exception to deliver UI elements' reaction to the key to the main loop. Those exceptions all inherit from UISignal class, and have sender field which contains the element that reacted to the keystroke.

Note that while whenever a list of WChars is given below, the conversion from plain char or Key via WChars constructor is omitted to avoid unnecessary clutter.

Below will be given the list of currently available pre-made UIElement classes.

class UI

An UI object has following publicly available methods:

  • void keystroke(WChar key) - process a keystroke from the user. This can change currently focused element and raise an exception inheriting from UISignal class.
  • void draw(bool erase = true) - draw the UI, optionally erasing the window first.
  • void drawElement(UIElement elem, bool active) - draw a single element, which may or may not be focused.
  • void move(Window to) - move the entire UI to the different window.
  • void addElement(UIElement e) - add an element to the UI. Note that it's unnecessary to call this for standard UI elements as they do that already in their constructors.
  • void changeFocus(int by) - change currently focused element.
  • void changeFocus(UIElement newFocused) - ditto.

Two constructors are available:

  • this(Curses curses, Window window, Config cfg = Config())
  • this(Curses curses, Config cfg = Config())

The first one associates the UI with a given window, the second one uses stdscr.

struct UI.Config

This struct controls how the UI reacts to certain keys. It has two fields, WChar[] nextElemKeys and WChar[] prevElemKeys. When a key that is in nextElemKeys is sent to the UI via keystroke, the focus will change to the next focusable visible element. Likewise, if a key that is in prevElemKeys is sent, previous focusable visible element will be selected.

class Menu(T)

A class for scrollable menu with multiple entries. The class is parametric on the values that can serve as its entries. When a menu is active, its header is drawn in reverse mode.

Two constructors are available:

    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x, 
        string delegate() header, Config cfg = Config());
    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x, string header, 
        Config cfg = Config());

The first one creates a menu with a dynamic header, the second one - with a static one.

Menus throw a Menu!T.Signal when a key that is in enter field of menu's configuration is pressed and when (but only if signalChange in config is true) the chosen entry is changed.

Available methods:

  • T chosenValue() - return currenly chosen value.
  • void addEntry(T value, string delegate() text) - add an entry with dynamic text to the menu.
  • void addEntry(T value, string text) - add an entry with static text to the menu.

struct Menu!T.Config

Has following fields:

  • WChar[] down = ['j', Key.down] - when a key from these is pressed, next entry in the menu is chosen.
  • WChar[] up = ['k', Key.up] - likewise, but the previous entry is chosen.
  • WChar[] enter = ['\n', '\r', Key.enter] - when a key from these is pressed, signal the chosen value to the processing loop.
  • Align alignment = - controls whether the menu is left-justified, centered or right-justified.
  • bool signalChange = false - controls whether the menu will throw a Signal when the chosen entry changes.

class Menu!T.Signal

Has sender field inherited from UISignal and T value field which contains the chosen value from the menu.

class Button

A class for pressable buttons. When a button is active, it's drawn in reverse mode.

Two constructors are available:

    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x, 
        string delegate() text, Config cfg = Config());
    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x,
        string text, Config cfg = Config());

The first one creates a button with dynamic text, the second one - with static.

Buttons throw a Button.Signal when a key that is in enter field of button's configuration is pressed.

struct Button.Config

Has following fields:

  • WChar[] enter = ['\n', '\r', Key.enter] - when a key from these is pressed, signal it to the processing loop.
  • Align alignment = Align.left - controls the way button's text is aligned.

class Button.Signal

Has a single field sender inherited from UISignal.

class Label

A class for text containers. Labels are not selectable and can't signal anything to the processing loop.

Two constructors are available:

    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x,
        string delegate() text, Config cfg = Config());
    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x,
        string text, Config cfg = Config());

The first one creates a label with dynamic text, the second one - with static.

struct Label.Config

Has following fields:

  • chtype attribute = Attr.normal - attribute to use when drawing the text.
  • Align alignment = Align.left - controls how the text is aligned.

class ProgressBar

A class for progress bars. They are not selectable and can't signal anything to the processing loop.

A single constructor is available:

    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x, Config cfg = Config());

The percentage of filledness of a progress bar can be queried and set via percentage property (a double from [0, 1] range).

struct ProgressBar.Config

Has following fields:

  • wint_t empty = '-' - a character to use for drawing empty areas of the progress bar.
  • wint_t filled = '#' - a character to use for drawing filled areas of the progress bar.
  • chtype emptyAttr = Attr.normal - attribute to use for drawing empty areas.
  • chtype filledAttr = Attr.normal - attribute to use for drawing filled areas.
  • bool vertical = false - when set, the bar will be filled in vertical direction, rather than in horizontal.
  • bool reverse = false - when set, the bar will be filled from the right to the left for horizontal bars, and from the top to bottom for vertical ones.

class TextInput

A class for text inputs. To start typing, a key in start field of input's configuration has to be pressed. When the user is done typing, the input will signal received text to the processing loop.

A single constructor is available:

    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x, string initialText,
        Config cfg = Config());

struct TextInput.Config

Has following fields:

  • WChar[] start = ['\n', '\r', 'i', Key.enter] - when a key from these is pressed, start receiving text from the user.
  • string emptyText = "<empty>" - text to display when the user typed in nothing.

class TextInput.Signal

Has sender field inherited from UISignal and string text field which contains received from the user text.

class CheckBox

A class for checkboxes. To change its status, press any key listed in switchKeys field of checkbox's configuration. When its status changes, signals new status to the processing loop. Current status is also available via checked field.

Two constructors are available:

    this(Ui ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x,
        string delegate() text, Config cfg = Config());
    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x, string text,
        Config cfg = Config());

The first one creates a checkbox with dynamic text, the second one with static.

struct CheckBox.Config

Has following fields:

  • wint_t whenChecked = '+' - this will appear near text if the checkbox is checked.
  • wint_t whenUnchecked = '-' - this will appear near text if the checkbox is unchecked.
  • WChar[] switchKeys = ['\n', '\r', Key.enter] - keys that, when pressed, will cause the checkbox to change its status.
  • Align alignment = Align.left - alignment of the text on the checkbox.

class CheckBox.Signal

Has sender field inherited from UISignal and bool checked field which indicates whether the checkbox is checked.

class NumberBox

A class for numerical input. You can change current value in two ways: press a key in any of smallIncr, bigIncr, smallDecr and bigDecr fields of number box's configuration to (respectively) increase it by smallStep, increase it by bigStep, decrease it by smallStep, decrease it by bigStep; or press any key in start field of number box's configuration to begin typing the number directly. In both cases, old value, new value and delta are signaled to the processing loop.

A single constructor is available:

    this(UI ui, int nlines, int ncols, int y, int x, int startingValue,
        Config cfg = Config());

struct NumberBox.Config

Has following fields:

  • WChar[] start = ['\n', '\r', 'i', Key.enter] - when any of these keys is pressed, text input mode is activated.
  • WChar[] smallIncr = ['k', 'l', Key.up, Key.right] - when any of these keys is pressed, value increases by smallStep.
  • WChar[] bigIncr = ['K', 'L", Key.sright] - likewise, but increase the value by bigStep.
  • WChar[] smallDecr = ['j', 'h', Key.down, Key.left] - likewise, but decrease the value by smallStep.
  • WChar[] bigDecr = ['J', 'H', Key.sleft] - likewise, but decrease it by bigStep.
  • int min = int.min - the lower bound on the number box's value.
  • int max = int.max - the upper bound on the number box's value.
  • int smallStep = 1
  • int bigStep = 5
  • Align alignment = - alignment of the text on the number box.

class NumberBox.Signal

Has sender field inherited from UISignal and also following fields:

  • int value - contains current value of the number box.
  • int delta - contains the change in the value.
  • int old - contains previous value of the number box.
  • Michail Pevnev
0.2.5 2019-Feb-17
0.2.4 2017-Aug-03
0.2.3 2017-Jul-20
0.2.2 2017-Jul-19
0.2.1 2017-Jul-14
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