oswald 0.2.0

OS Window Abstraction Library in D

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

OS Window Abstraction Library in D (OSWALD)

Oswald is a simple window abstraction library that is intended for cross-platform use. It is designed as a relatively low-level library, that other graphics or UI libraries can build off of. Oswald does not dynamically allocate memory, and returns error codes instead of throwing exceptions.

Oswald does not (and will not) support the creationg of graphics contexts, or other similar tasks. For a library that creates and manages graphics contexts, please direct yourself to GLFW (glfw.org), SDL (libsdl.org), or SFML (sfml-dev.org). Note that neither of these libraries are compatible with Oswald.

Please see the examples directory for how to use the library.

Unfortunately, source documentation in Oswald is a bit scarce, but is being actively improved.

Platform Support

Currently, only windows is supported (and then, only to a limited degree). However, more platforms are planned.

  • [x] Windows
  • [ ] Linux
  • [ ] macOS (OSX)
  • [ ] Android
  • David Zhang
0.12.0 2020-May-16
0.11.5 2020-May-16
0.11.4 2020-May-16
0.11.3 2020-May-16
0.11.2 2020-May-16
Show all 23 versions
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