plantuml_grammar ~master
Grammar for PlantUML diagrams
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
plantumlgrammar [](
plantuml_grammar is a library providing the grammar for PlantUML via Pegged
Currently only the most trivial class diagrams are supported.
NOTE The grammar is intended to be good enough, not complete.
The intent of plantuml_grammar is to make it easy to extract relevant information from a PlantUML diagram that uses a restricted subset of the official PlantUML features.
To put it in other words the goal is not to be perfect (be able to handle any kind of PlantUML diagram) but rather a subset that makes it possible to machine check a diagram for interesting properties.
Why? It is a lot of work and time to get a complete grammar. I am not even sure if the official PlantUML grammar is possible to completely express in a PEG parser.
Project Goal
Organically grow the grammar on a need-to-parse basis. Pull requests are welcome :-)
Getting Started
The following assumes you are using DUB. See DUB Registry for what dependency to add to your dub.json/dub.sdl.
Now onto something funnier, a code example. Lets say you have a PlantUML class diagram that you want to extract all class names from.
void main(string[] args) {
import std.file;
import plantuml_grammar;
// assuming the second argument is the file to parse
ParseTree p = PlantUML_ClassDiagram(std.file.readText(args[1]));
void printClassName(ParseTree p) {
import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;
switch ( {
case "PlantUML_ClassDiagram.ClassName":
writeln("found class: ", p.matches[0]);
p.children.each!(a => printClassName(a));
p.children.each!(a => printClassName(a));
Rebuild the Grammar
When the grammar file is changed it has to be regenerated. To do this run the following command:
dub -c generate
The code standard is D-Style with the modification that local variables and parameters are snake case.
Additions to the grammar need one or more test cases to prove that the additions work. These tests are located in test/integrationtest/test.d. For now these tests only test that plantumlgrammar can parse the input. They do not validate the output. Validation will be added in the future.
Lets say you have modified source/plantumlgrammargenerator/ and added a new test to test.d. All you need to do to rebuild the grammar and run the tests with debug output activated is:
dub test -- -s -d
Yes, it is that simple :)
Note: the grammar files uses .md to fool the editors into thinking it is Markdown. Markdown syntax highlight helps a little bit. It is far from perfect but better than nothing.
The following is a list of improvements that are intended in the immediate future.
- Add a new module PlantUML_ComponentDiagram containing the grammar for this kind.
- Extend class diagrams with:
- the direction inside relations
- notes
- the other kind of relations such as relate, association and more
In the far away future.
- All kind of diagrams.
- Grammar or helper module to detect the kind of diagram that a file contains.
- Registered by Joakim Brännström
- ~master released 8 years ago
- joakim-brannstrom/plantuml_grammar
- BSL-1.0
- Copyright © 2017, Joakim Brännström
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- pegged
- Versions:
0.0.1 2017-Aug-03 ~master 2017-Aug-05 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
0 downloads this month
10 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.4
- Short URL: