polo ~master
Markov chains from the command line.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
polo - Markov Polo
For when you really need markov chains on your command line.
Polo now uses the D markov library, and hence fits into a quarter of the lines of code, compared to what it was before.
Why use it?
Ever been faced with the problem of having to write a needlessly long document, when all you have is your command line? Faced with a sudden need to write a resume, but all you have is a terminal? Got an English paper due tomorrow, but all you have ready is your shell?
As tempting as it might sound, writing 3000 words in nano or emacs is really not as fun as you think it might be, (take it from experience), but there is a better way! Just grab the plain texts for your source material (and some stuff from your own reading library, in our case, a collection of FIMFiction clopfics) and fire away.
cat "lord of the rings fellowship.txt" "my clopfics.txt" | polo -l 3000 > assignment1.txt
And you're done! 3000 words in about as many milliseconds.
Merry and Pippin she gave small silver belts, each with a clasp wrought like a golden flower. To Legolas she gave a breathy moan at the attention her plot had been receiving.
Voila! A+ material right there: Meaningful quotes of the relevant text plus that raunchy twist that English teachers crave. Not only have you produced a marvel that will take whomever happens to be grading it entirely by surprise, you have saved yourself hours of meaningless labour. It's just win-win.
What about Philosophy papers?
Of course, these are always particularly nasty. As tedious as the thought of spending 9 hours writing 6500 words of comparison between a religious work and a fantasy work might seem, we can speed up this process to take less than a second.
All you really need for this one is a copy of the King James bible, the plain text of the Fellowship of the Ring, and your choice of Harry Potter fanficiton. In this instance, we're using whatever the first result in Google was.
cat "king james.txt" "lord of the rings fellowship.txt" "harry.txt" | polo -l 6500 > philo1.txt
And you're done! Again! All that's left to do is print the paper and give it a quick once over, so as to glimpse that which you have wrought.
14:2 Holy shit, pipe weed.
I think that's a perfect summary of everything that just went into that. You're ready to go.
More than just text
Polo isn't just limited to writing your literary assignment for you, you know. It's got a vast number of applications in school, your workplace, and bunch of other things that I really can't name right now.
- Resumes
- Patient records
- Wikipedia articles
- Design documents
- Detailed design documents
- Documentation
- Unit tests
- Angular scopes
- Rails asset pipelines
- Code gen
And other things you'd rather not be doing yourself, and all of them from your command line.
Wait, polo generates unit tests?
Sure! Just feed a couple of source files of whatever your testing, and a bunch of unit tests as well so it gets the general gist of how those are written. For example, given the source (and unit tests) from the markov library, and the source of polo itself, we managed to get a perfectly good chunk of code that looks like this:
unittest { try { bool help; Options options; args.getopt( config.bundling, "help|h", &help, "filter|f", &options._filter, "input|i", &options._inputs, "length|l", &options._length, "output|o", &options._output, "seeds|s", &options._seeds, "tuple|t", &options._tuples ); if(help) { showHelp; } else { return [ stdin ]; } } @property Nullable!(Unqual!T) random()() if(!isAssignable!(T, typeof(null))) { Nullable!(Unqual!T) result; if(!empty) { foreach(ref state; _states) { if(size <= index) { T[] first = input[index - size .. index]; state.poke(first, follow); } } T generate()() if(isAssignable!(T, typeof(null))) { foreach(ref state; _states) { T current = state.select(_history[$ - state.size .. $]); if(current) return push(current), current; } return null; } } @property T value() { return _key[0]; } bool opEquals(ref const Key other) const { return _key == other._key; } } public: this(size_t size) { _size = enforce(size, "State size cannot be 0."); } bool contains(T[] first) { if(first.length == size) { auto ptr = Key(first) in _counters; return ptr ? ptr.contains(follow) : false; }
I personally can't make heads or tails of it, not have I tried to run it through a compiler, but it looks fairly legit. Even starts with a unittest
keyword. Regardless, it only took as long as typing out a single line in bash.
cat ../markov/source/markov/*.d source/app.d | polo -l 150
Now that's time efficiency.
Wikipedia articles? I'm skeptical.
Easily! For example, let us take two articles relevant to one another, and run them through polo so as to produce something that would give us a better understanding of both source materials. In this case, I've opted to use articles on Stalin and Dishonored. Two subjects oft paired together.
Stalin was drafted into the Russian Army but couldn't serve as a result of player-conducted testing of the game, the designers decided that a more direct navigation system was required.
Factual accuracy at its finest.
Polo now supports dictionaries, which allows you to feed in your training inputs once, and then generate outputs without having to re-train each time. Dictionaries are implemented using the markov library's serialization facilities, and can be stored as either binary representation or JSON (default is binary). To train a polo dictionary, you just need to do,
cat input1.txt input2.txt ... | polo -m train > my_dictionary.dict
And then to use your dictionary, all you'd need to do is,
polo -d my_dictionary.dict -l 150
Just clone the repo locally and build. Building polo is easy with dub, and without.
With DUB
dub build --build=release
Without DUB
git clone http://github.com/Mihail-K/markov.git && \
dmd source/app.d markov/source/markov/*.d -release -ofpolo && \
rm -f polo.o && \
yes | rm -r markov
Polo has no outside dependencies, and can now be copied to your desired location.
- Registered by Mihail K
- ~master released 9 years ago
- Mihail-K/polo
- Copyright © 2015, Mihail K
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- markov
- Versions:
1.0.0 2015-Dec-13 ~master 2016-Mar-25 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
0 downloads this month
70 downloads total
- Score:
- 1.2
- Short URL:
- polo.dub.pm