quantities 0.2.0

Dimensional analysis of units and quantities at compile time or at runtime

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

About quantities

The purpose of this small library is to perform automatic compile-time or runtime dimensional checking when dealing with quantities and units.

In order to remain simple, there is no actual distinction between units and quantities, so there are no distinct quantity and unit types. All operations are actually done on quantities. For example, meter is both the unit meter and the quantity 1 m. New quantities can be derived from other ones using operators or dedicated functions.

Quantities can be parsed from strings at runtime and compile-time.

The main SI units and prefixes are predefined. Units with other dimensions can be defined by the user.

Tested with DMD 2.065

Copyright 2013-2014, Nicolas Sicard.

License: Boost License 1.0.


import quantities;
import std.math : approxEqual;
import std.stdio : writeln, writefln;

// Working with predefined units
    auto distance = 384_400 * kilo(meter);
    auto speed = 299_792_458  * meter/second;
    auto time = distance / speed;
    writefln("Travel time of light from the moon: %s s", time.value(second));

// Dimensional correctness is check at compile-time
    Mass mass;
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, mass = 15 * meter));
    static assert(!__traits(compiles, mass = 1.2));

// Calculations can be done at compile-time
    enum distance = 384_400 * kilo(meter);
    enum speed = 299_792_458  * meter/second;
    enum time = distance / speed;
    writefln("Travel time of light from the moon: %s s", time.value(second));

// Type of quantity variables
    // Length is defined as a quantity of dimension L storing a real value
    static assert(is(Length == Quantity!(double, "L", 1)));

    // Time is defined as a quantity of dimension T
    static assert(is(Time == Quantity!(double, "T", 1)));

    // Speed is defined as a quantity of dimension L T⁻¹
    static assert(is(Speed == Quantity!(double, "L", 1, "T", -1)));

    // Quantities that share the same dimensions are of the same type
    static assert(is(typeof(meter) == Length));
    static assert(is(typeof(second) == Time));
    static assert(is(typeof(hour) == Time));
    static assert(is(typeof(kilo(meter)/hour) == Speed));

// Create a new unit from the predefined ones
    enum inch = 2.54 * centi(meter);
    enum mile = 1609 * meter;
    writefln("There are %s inches in a mile", mile.value(inch));

// Create a new unit with new dimensions
    // Create a new base unit of currency
    enum euro = unit!("C"); // C is the chosen dimension symol (for currency...)

    auto dollar = euro / 1.35;
    auto price = 2000 * dollar;
    writefln("This computer costs €%.2f", price.value(euro));

// Compile-time parsing
    enum distance = si!"384_400 km";
    enum speed = si!"299_792_458 m/s";
    enum time = distance / speed;
    writefln("Travel time of light from the moon: %s s", time.value(second));

    static assert(is(typeof(distance) == Length));
    static assert(is(typeof(speed) == Speed));

// Runtime parsing
    auto data = [
        "distance-to-the-moon": "384_400 km",
        "speed-of-light": "299_792_458 m/s"
    auto distance = parseSI!Length(data["distance-to-the-moon"]);
    auto speed = parseSI!Speed(data["speed-of-light"]);
    auto time = distance / speed;
    writefln("Travel time of light from the moon: %s s", time.value(second));

// Chemistry session
    // Use the predefined quantity types (in module quantities.si)
    Volume volume;
    Concentration concentration;
    Mass mass;

    // Define a new quantity type
    alias MolarMass = typeof(kilogram/mole);

    // I have to make a new solution at the concentration of 25 mmol/L
    concentration = 25 * milli(mole)/liter;

    // The final volume is 100 ml.
    volume = 100 * milli(liter);

    // The molar mass of my compound is 118.9 g/mol
    MolarMass mm = 118.9 * gram/mole;

    // What mass should I weigh?
    mass = concentration * volume * mm;
    writefln("Weigh %s of substance", mass.toString); 
    // prints: Weigh 0.00029725 [M] of substance
    // Wait! That's not really useful!
    // My scales graduations are in 1/10 milligrams!
    writefln("Weigh %.1f mg of substance", mass.value(milli(gram)));
    // prints: Weigh 297.3 mg of substance
  • Nicolas Sicard
0.11.0 2020-Jan-27
0.10.2 2019-Jun-12
0.10.1 2018-Jan-27
0.10.0 2018-Jan-20
0.9.0 2018-Jan-09
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