retrograde ~neo

The Retrograde Game Engine

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

The Retrograde Game Engine

Copyright Mike Bierlee 2014-2023 Version 0.0.0 Licensed under the terms of the MIT license - See LICENSE.txt

Retrograde is a general purpose game engine. Currently it is in alpha state and not fit for production. Many usual engine systems are missing or incomplete.

This README will be extended further once the engine matures more.

  • Mike Bierlee
  • Lostmoment
bindbc-opengl, glfw-d, preprocessor, mirage-injector, poodinis, vibe-d:http, imageformats
0.0.0 2017-Sep-04
~raw 2024-May-07
~neo 2023-May-25
~legacy 2022-May-29
~develop 2023-May-25
Show all 5 versions
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