sassed 0.2.0

Thin wrapper around libsass.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Thin wrapper for libsass written in D Programming Language.

It can

  • Compile received string to css and return resulting css code
  • Compile single file and put it to a specified folder
  • Compile whole folder to multiple files and put it to another folder
  • Compile whole folder to a single file
  • Compile from .sass and .scss files
  • Watch input folder and recompile files within output when user changing some of them

Library usage

First of all you should create new Sass object

auto sass = new shared Sass;

Then you should set options you need. Sassed has next configurators:

  • Source map - configurates source map generation.
// Enabling source map generaion

// Defining source map file extension (`.map` by default)
sass.options.sourcemap.extension = "newmap" // without a point before extension

// Disabling source mapping url (`true` by default)

// Embedding source mapping url
  • Extensions - configurates SASS and SCSS file extensions.
// Defining new SASS extension (`.sass` by default)
sass.options.extensions.sass = "sassmap" // without a point before extension
  • SASS to SCSS - configurate SASS to SCSS compilation (only for method convertSass2Scss).
// Setting sass2scss prettify level
sass.options.sass2scss.prettifyLevel = PrettifyLevel.ZERO;

// Setting comment conversion
  • Single file - configurate folder-to-file compilation
// Setting single file name (`style` by default) = "mystyle";

// Enabling single file source comments splitting compiled code blocks from
// different files

// Setting placeholder for source comments (`%{filename}` by default)
sass.options.singleFile.comments.placeholder = "%{file}";

// Setting new comment template. Changing placeholder you should always change
// template
sass.options.singleFile.comments.templ = "This code came from: %{file}";

Sassed options:

  • Source comments - enables inline source comments
  • Indented syntax - enables compiling from SASS instead of SCSS
  • Style - defines output CSS style. By now libsass supports only nested and compressed styles. = SassStyle.COMPRESSED;
  • Include path - defines @import directive search location
sass.options.includePaths = "path/to/import";
  • Image path - defines optional path to find images
sass.options.imagePath = "path/to/images";
  • Precision - defines number precision of computed values
sass.options.precision = 2;

After setting options you can compile your files by next methods:

  • String-to-string compilation (also you can get source map string by out parameter in overloaded method signature)
  • File-to-file / file-to-string compilation (source map string available)
  • Folder-to-folder / folder-to-file compilation
  • Folder watching. This method creates thread watching some directory and compiling changed file (or all folder if singleFile is enabled). Be careful: if you change sass options, it will change in watching thread too.
// String-to-string compilation method with getting source map string
string sourcemap;
auto code = "#map{ & .inner-map {} }"
auto result = sass.compile( code, sourcemap );

Console usage

Simple compiling file to file

$ ./sassed some.scss some.css -m

Compiling folder to folder

$ ./sassed folder path/to/input path/to/output

Compiling folder to single file. Folder will be compiled in path/to/output/style.css.

$ ./sassed folder path/to/input path/to/output -u

Watching folder

$ ./sassed watch path/to/input path/to/output

More about options can be find in help

$ ./sassed -h
  • Vlad Rindevich
derelict-sass, libasync
0.2.0 2015-Jan-29
0.1.0 2015-Jan-21
~master 2015-Jan-29
Show all 3 versions
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