sbin 0.5.0

Simple binary [de]serialize

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Simple binary [de]serialize

Build Status codecov Dub License


Library provides functions for simple serialize and deserialize data:

You can serialize/deserialize numbers, arrays, enums, structs and combinations of those.


void sbinSerialize(R, Ts...)(ref R r, auto ref const Ts vals) if (isOutputRange!(R, ubyte) && Ts.length)

Call put(r, <data>) for all fields in vals recursively.

Do not allocate memory if you use range with @nogc put.

ubyte[] sbinSerialize(T)(auto ref const T val)

Uses inner appender!(ubyte[]).

void sbinDeserialize(R, Target...)(R range, ref Target target) if (isInputRange!R && is(Unqual!(ElementType!R) == ubyte))

Fills target from range bytes

Can throw:

  • SBinDeserializeEmptyRangeException then try read empty range
  • SBinDeserializeException then after deserialize input range is not empty

Exception messages builds with gc (~ is used for concatenate).

Allocate memory if deserialize:

  • strings
  • associative arrays
  • dynamic array if target length is not equal length from input bytes
Target sbinDeserialize(Target, R)(R range)

Creates Unqual!Target ret, fill it and return.

Key points

  • all struct fields are serialized and deserialized by default (no ignore or serializeOnly features)
  • only dynamic arrays (associative arrays too) has variable length, all other types has fixed size


// All enums serialize as numbers
enum Color
    black = "#000000",
    red = "#ff0000",
    green = "#00ff00",
    blue = "#0000ff",
    white = "#ffffff"

struct Foo
    ulong a;
    float b, c;
    ushort d;
    string str;
    Color color;

const foo1 = Foo(10, 3.14, 2.17, 8, "s1",;

//                 a              b            c       d
const foo1Size = ulong.sizeof + float.sizeof * 2 + ushort.sizeof +
//                      str                      color
        (length_t.sizeof + foo1.str.length) + ubyte.sizeof;

// color is ubyte because [EnumMembers!Color].length < ubyte.max

const foo1Data = foo1.sbinSerialize; // used inner appender

assert(foo1Data.length == foo1Size);

// deserialization return instance of Foo
assert(foo1Data.sbinDeserialize!Foo == foo1);

const foo2 = Foo(2, 2.22, 2.22, 2, "str2",;

const foo2Size = ulong.sizeof + float.sizeof * 2 + ushort.sizeof +
        (length_t.sizeof + foo2.str.length) + ubyte.sizeof;

enum Level { low, medium, high }

struct Bar
    ulong a;
    float b;
    Level level;
    Foo[] foos;

auto bar = Bar(123, 3.14, Level.high, [ foo1, foo2 ]);

//                   a               b          level
const barSize = ulong.sizeof + float.sizeof + ubyte.sizeof +
//                                 foos
                (length_t.sizeof + foo1Size + foo2Size);

assert(bar.sbinSerialize.length == barSize);

Custom [de]serialization algorithm

Add to your type Foo:

  • T sbinCustomRepr() @property const where T is serializable representation of Foo, what can be used for full restore data
  • static Foo sbinFromCustomRepr(auto ref const T repr) what returns is new instance for your deserialization type


See example.



Unions serializes/deserializes as static byte array without analyze elements (size of union is size of max element).

If you want use arrays or strings in unions you must implement custom [de]serialize methods or use `TaggedAlgebraic`


Not supported. See TaggedAlgebraic if you need variablic types.

Max dynamic array length

By default uses uint as length_t, for using ulong use library cofiguration ulong_length.

Code versions

If you want use sbin for message passing between applications you must use strictly identical types (one source code), because struct fields are not marked (deserialization relies solely on information from type) and any change in code (swap fields, change fields type, change enum values list) must be accompanied by recompilation of all applications.

Immutable and const

Deserialize works after initialization of object and const or immutable fields are can't be setted.

Inderect fields

If struct have two arrays

struct Foo
    ubyte[] a, b;

and these arrays point to one memory

auto arr = cast(ubyte[])[1,2,3,4,5,6];
auto foo = Foo(arr, arr[0,2]);
assert (foo.a.ptr == foo.b.ptr);

then they will be serialized separated and after deserialize will be point to different memory parts

auto foo2 = foo.sbinSerialize.sbinDeserialize!Foo;
assert (foo2.a.ptr != foo.b.ptr);


Classes must have custom serialize methods, otherwise they can't be serialized.

class Foo
    ulong id;
    this(ulong v) { id = v; }

    ulong sbinCustomRepr() const @property
        return id;

    // must be static
    static Foo sbinFromCustomRepr(ulong v)
        return new Foo(v);
  • deviator
0.10.0 2021-Sep-16
0.9.1 2021-Sep-02
0.9.0 2021-Aug-31
0.8.0 2021-Mar-19
0.7.1 2020-Dec-22
Show all 13 versions
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