sdlang-d 0.8.2

An SDL (Simple Declarative Language) library for D.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


An SDL (Simple Declarative Language) library for D.

SDL is similar to JSON, XML or YAML, except it's:

  • Less verbose than JSON and XML.
  • Type-aware.
  • Easier to learn and read than YAML.

This is what SDL looks like (some of these examples, and more, are from the SDL site):

first "Joe"
last "Coder"

numbers 12 53 2 635
names "Sally" "Frank N. Stein"
pets chihuahua="small" dalmation="hyper" mastiff="big"

mixed 34.7f "Tim" somedate=2010/08/14
folder "myFiles" color="yellow" protection=on {
    folder "my images" {
        file "myHouse.jpg" color=true date=2005/11/05
        file "myCar.jpg" color=false date=2002/01/05
    folder "my documents" {
        document "resume.pdf"

Tags are of this form:

[tag name] [values] [attributes] [children]

Tag and attribute names can optionally include a namespace prefix (ie, `namespace:name`). All parts are optional, the only exception being that an anonymous (ie, no name) tag must have at least one value.

How to use SDLang-D

The only external requirement is DMD v2.061 or newer.

Obtain SDLang-D:

> git clone
> cd SDLang-D
> git checkout v0.8.2

example.d (Note: API to be greatly improved):

import std.stdio;
import sdlang;

int main()
    Tag root;
        // Or:
        // root = parseFile("myFile.sdl");
        root = parseSource(`
            welcome "Hello world"

            // Uncomment this for an error:
            // badSuffix 12Q

            myNamespace:person name="Joe Coder" {
                age 36
    catch(SDLangException e)
        // Messages will be of the form:
        // myFile.sdl(5:28): Error: Invalid integer suffix.
        return 1;
    // Value is a std.variant.Algebraic
    Value welcome = root.tags[""]["welcome"].values[0];
    assert(welcome.type == typeid(string));
    Tag person = root.tags["myNamespace"]["person"];
    writeln("Name: ", person.attributes[""]["name"].value);
    int age = person.tags[""]["age"].values[0].get!int();
    writeln("Age: ", age);
	// Output back to SDL
    return 0;

Compile and run:

> rdmd --build-only -I{path to sdlang}/src example.d
> example
Hello world
Name: Joe Coder
Age: 36
(...SDL output...)

The type `Value` is defined as such:

SDL's datatypes map to D's datatypes as described below.
Most are straightforward, but take special note of the date/time-related types.

Boolean:                       bool
Null:                          typeof(null)
Unicode Character:             dchar
Double-Quote Unicode String:   string
Raw Backtick Unicode String:   string
Integer (32 bits signed):      int
Long Integer (64 bits signed): long
Float (32 bits signed):        float
Double Float (64 bits signed): double
Decimal (128+ bits signed):    real
Binary (standard Base64):      ubyte[]
Time Span:                     Duration

Date (with no time at all):           Date
Date Time (no timezone):              DateTimeFrac
Date Time (with a known timezone):    SysTime
Date Time (with an unknown timezone): DateTimeFracUnknownZone
alias Algebraic!(
    string, dchar,
    int, long,
    float, double, real,
    Date, DateTimeFrac, SysTime, DateTimeFracUnknownZone, Duration,
) Value;

API Reference

See API Reference


See Changelog

Differences from original Java implementation

  • API is completely redesigned for D.
  • License is zlib/libpng, not LGPL. (No source from the Java or Ruby implementations was used or looked at.)
  • Anonymous tags are named `"" (ie, empty string) not "content"`. Not sure yet whether or not this will change in the future.
  • Dates with unknown or invalid time zones use a special type indicating "unknown time zone" (`DateTimeFracUnknownZone`) instead of assuming GMT.

Included tools

Lex or Parse an SDL file

> build
> bin/sdlang lex sample.sdl
> bin/sdlang parse sample.sdl
> bin/sdlang to-sdl sample.sdl


> build-unittest
> bin/sdlang-unittest

Build API Reference

Make sure ddox is installed and on the PATH. Then, run:

> build-docs

Finally, open 'docs/index.html' in your browser.

Project/Package Files

Project files for Programmer's Notepad 2 are included. Just open `SDLang-D.ppg`.

As of SDLang-D v0.8.2, SDLang-D is a DUB package and is available in the DUB repository. The package name is `sdlang-d`.


In no order:

  • Major improvements to API for Tags.
  • Convert SDL documents to XML and JSON
  • Improve API reference.
  • Nick Sabalausky
0.10.6 2020-Apr-12
0.10.5 2019-Feb-23
0.10.4 2018-Jul-16
0.10.3 2018-May-30
0.10.2 2018-Feb-13
Show all 20 versions
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