serde-d 2024.11.24

A minimal D application.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

serde-d:json - A minimal D application.

serde-d:yaml - A minimal D application.


A serialization and deserialization framework for dlang.


The code in this repository is licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later; for more details see the LICENSE file in the repository.

How it works

See the documentation folder in the source repo for more information (located at


To start using serde, you'll first need to find and add an serde-serializer package that provides you with an actual serilizer, such as:

  • serde-d:json - JSON support
  • serde-d:yaml - Yaml support


Each package should define an serializer in the <package>.ser module, named <format>Serializer. Additionally, the same module should hold an ufcs function to<format>(T)(ref T val). It's convention to re-export this module in the top-most module of your package via public import.

For example, when using serde-d:json, this is serde.json.ser.JsonSerializer and toJson:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import serde.json;

struct MyObj {
    int i = 12;

void main() {
    writeln( MyObj().toJson() ); // Will print {"i":12}

Note: By default, all fields and all functions marked with @property are deserialized / serialized.

To overwrite this, each type can implement an serialize method (optionally via ufcs, but for that you need to use @(Serde.UseUfcs)):

import serde.ser : Serializer;

struct MyObj {
    int i = 12;

    void serialize(Serializer ser) {
        auto s = ser.start_struct();
        (this.i * 2).serialize( s.write_field("j") );

Note: for more infromation how to paragmatically use the serializer (including serializeInstance), see documentation/ and documentation/


Really just the reverse of the serializing; the same things as before apply here, but with different names: The deserializer should be defined in <package>.de, named <format>Deserializer, and provide atleast the ufcs functions T parse<format>(T)(...) and from<format>(T)(auto ref T value, ...). Like before, it is convention to re-export this module in the top-most module of your package.

For example, when using serde-d:json, this is and parseJson / fromJson:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import serde.json;

struct MyObj {
    int i = 12;

void main() {
    assert( parseJson!MyObj(`{"i":12}`).i == 12 );

    MyObj obj;
    assert(obj.i == 12);

Note: This demonstrates why both an parse* and from* variant should be present: the parse* family is for completly parsing an instance, while the from* family is to parse into an existing instance.

To overwrite this, each type can implement an deserialize method (optionally via ufcs, but for that you need to use @(Serde.UseUfcs)):

import serde : Deserializer, AnyValue;

struct MyObj {
    int i = 12;

    void deserialize(Deserializer ser) {
        auto s = ser.read_struct();
        AnyValue key;
        while (s.read_key(field)) {
            string field = key.get!string;
            switch (field) {
                case "i":

Note: for more infromation how to paragmatically use the deserializer (including deserializeInstance), see documentation/ and documentation/

Interfaces and inheritance

To sucessfully serialize & deserialize types with inheritance or interfaces, please see documentation/


The package comes with an set of attributes, that can be used to tweak the default implementation of serialize and deserialize for strucs and classes. These live all in serde.attrs, but are re-exported in serde so you can just write import serde; and are good to go.

There are two ways of writing these attributes in your code: Serde.Skip and SerdeSkip. The only difference between the two is that the second one is only for convinience, because dlang dosnt supports dot-notation without parenteseses:

@Serde.Skip   // This won't work sadly...
@SerdeSkip    // but this will
@(Serde.Skip) // and this too
  • Serde.UseUfcs: due to limitations of dlang's compiletime features, ufcs methods cannot be discovered by template magic. Since serde works by expecting that the expression x.serialize(serializer) compiles, the default implementation for serialize for structs and classes only looks if it has an member called serialize; if not it concludes it doesnt implements an own serialize method and generates one. However, this completly ignores ufcs methods like void serialize(S)(X x, S serializer). To allow you to write these methods in an ufcs way, you simple need to annotate the struct or class with this attribute to also prevent serde from generating an default implementation. (This too works for deserialize).

If you use ufcs, please note that you might also need alias serialize = serde.attrs.serialize; to import the default overloads.

  • Skip: skips an member field in (de)serialization.

  • Rename: renames an member for (de)serialization. It comes in two forms:

  • Serde.Rename("a") this form sets the name for both serialization as well as deserialization to "a" and is a shorthand of Serde.Rename("a", "a").

  • Serde.Rename("b", "c") this form gives you control over the name for both serialization and deserialization independently (in exactly that order).

    Due to a restriction of structs in dlang, both parameters need to be specified. If you dont need one, just set it to null or an empty string.

    For better readability, it is recommended to use dlang's ability for named parameters and write Serde.Rename(serialize: "b", deserialize: "c")instead.

  • Raw: marks an member to used "as-is". This means that the value of the member is directly copied into the output, if the format supports it. Members need to be of type string or have an returntype of an string for this to work. Formats that supports this are JSON and Yaml.

  • Getter: marks an member function to be used in serialization.

  • Setter: marks an member function to be used in deserialization.

  • Alias: specifies additional names for deserialization.

  • Optional: marks an member as being optional, which will prevent deserialization from failing if the member was not deserialized.

  • DenyUnknownFields: marks an struct or class to throw an error when encountering unknown fields in deserialization.

  • Mai Lapyst
Sub packages:
serde-d:json, serde-d:yaml
ninox-d_std:callable, ninox-d_std:variant, ninox-d_std:traits
2024.11.24 2024-Nov-24
~master 2025-Mar-07
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