simple-stupid-object-notation ~main

A polymorphic file configuration format optimised for manually typing data

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


SSON stands for Simple Stupid Object Notation. SSON was made for the specific needs I had for helping me create game entities in one of my projects. I have since kept it evolving according to my needs.

My specific needs are:

  1. Type less.
  2. Data polymorphism.
  3. Data generation.
  4. Easy to read and modify.
  5. Easy to debug.

As one may come to understand from reading the above, SSON is designed for a very distinct niche than the usual data formats and file configuration formats. The most important goal of SSON, above all else, is to have a data format that takes less time to write data manually. It cannot be compared to neither JSON nor XML for it seeks to achieve different things. If you're here for an alternative to those, check out CSON, YAML, SDLang or KDL instead.


You can find a list of implementations in other languages here.

Guide and Examples

Basic Syntax

First, to create an object, all you have to do is type out its name. Object names may contain anything as long as they don't start with alias, default, . and #. However, you're free to include those elsewhere in the name. Then you can add properties to that object by typing out their names in front of a . and using the = to initialize that property's value. The name of the object and its properties are sperated by newlines. No value may be empty! If you want that value to be empty, don't type it. Don't forget this notation's goal is, in short, to type less. Once you're done, you may go on to next object.

Here's a couple of examples:

.name = john
.last name = doe
.age = 800

.species = cat
.annoying = very

You'll probably notice that the names of properties can have spaces in them. It's also possible for object names. Do note however that trailing white spaces will be removed. This is to allow a minimum of code style if the user wishes to have one like these examples show:

.name      = jane
.last name = doe
.age       = 25

.name =   bob
.age =    30
.job =    construction worker
.salary = 123467

. name = bobby
. age  = 60
. job  = who knows?

Comments are also a thing in sson. However they're limited; they have to be on their own line. This is to allow as much freedom as possible in names and values. The good thing is they can still be pretty much anywhere; they could be in between two properties for example.

# this is a comment
my object
# this is also a comment
.some property = some value

my other object
.a property = # this is not a comment
# A comment between two properties!
.another property = Hello, World!

Default Values

Objects in the previous example, while having the same name, don't have the same properties. It may seem odd, but all of those object definitions are perfectly valid; it is an example of using implicit default values. Those default values are expected to be initialized after the data has been interpreted and transformed. To be clear, it is the responsibility of the service which receives the transformed values to initialize them and not the SSON interpreter itself.

However that's not all, there are also explicit default values. To define a default value, just type out default in front of the object name and all further objects of the same name will inherit those default values if they don't override them:

default player
.health = 20
.armor = 0
.ammo = 5

# this player will have 20 health, 0 armor and 5 ammo
.x = 5
.y = 2

# this player won't have 0 armour because it overrides the property
.y = 1
.x = 0
.armor = 10

# it is also possible to change the default values midway
default player
.health = 10

# this player won't have 20 health, but it'll have 0 armor and 5 ammo
.x = 6
.y = 12

Now, that's not all there is to default values. There are also default values that come from an alias. An alias is something which creates, under a different name, a default profile from another already existing one like so:

default potion
.potency = 5
.price = 10
.name = Potion
.description = A basic remedy

# default poison objects will also inherit the default values of potion as defined above
alias poison potion
.name = Poison
.description = This one doesn't help you get better

This has the advantage of being able to carry over the potion default values without overriding them for the poison objects. It also makes the configuration code easier to understand.

Important Implementation Details

The official implementation transforms the values into a hashmap of string hashmaps where each object has its type name appended by the line number it was found on. In the below example, the first object will be called player_1 and the second npc_4:

.x = 8

.y = 10

It is important to remember that those are line numbers! The reason the data is structured like that is for easier debugging.


That's it! Thank you for reading. If you have comments or questions, open an issue. If you spotted a bug or just want to improve this implementation, don't hesitate to make a pull request or place an issue.

  • Doigt
2.0.1 2023-Nov-17
~main 2024-Mar-12
~combine 2024-Mar-23
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