slf4d 3.0.1

Simple Logging Facade For D

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


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Simple Logging Facade for D, inspired by SLF4J. dub add slf4d, and start logging sensibly!

Read the full documentation here!

SLF4D acts as a common interface for logging messages during an application's runtime. Let's see an example of how you can use it:

import slf4d;

void main() {
    info("Hello world!");
    try {
        int result = doStuff();
        infoF!"Result = %d"(result);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        error("Failed to do stuff.", e);


app INFO  2023-05-05T15:50:46.087 Hello world!
app INFO  2023-05-05T15:50:46.087 Result = 84

In this example, we're implicitly using SLF4D's DefaultProvider to log messages using some of the available log functions.

Also note the log message format of <module> <level> <timestamp> <message>. This is just how the default provider formats messages, but the format is entirely customizable using a different provider.


To start using SLF4D in your project, all you need to do is add it as a dependency to your dub project, and import slf4d; wherever you need it.

Consider checking out examples/basic-usage for a quick overview, if you don't fancy reading.

Log Functions

The following table gives an overview of the functions that are available when you import slf4d; | Level | Basic | Formatted |

| TRACE | trace("Message") | traceF!"Message %d"(42) | | DEBUG | debug_("Message")* | debugF!"Message %d"(42) | | INFO | info("Message") | infoF!"Message %d"(42) | | WARN | warn("Message") | warnF!"Message %d"(42) | | ERROR | error("Message") | errorF!"Message %d"(42) |

* Because debug is a keyword in D, debug_ is used as the function name.

Each function can also accept an Exception after its usual message or arguments, and it'll include it in the log message. Third-party providers can even configure additional logic for what to do if an exception is logged.

try {
} catch (Exception e) {
    warn("Uh oh, something went wrong.", e);
    error(e); // Or let SLF4D use the exception's message


Behind the scenes, the role of the Logging Provider is to provide SLF4D with a Logger to forward any of the above log function calls to. Therefore, direct logging calls are just a convenient way of doing the following:

Logger logger = getLogger();"Hello world!");

// The above code is equivalent to this:
info("Hello world!");

Usually, this distinction won't matter at all, but it's mentioned here for completeness' sake. However, Loggers enable you to override the logger's name, which defaults to the current D module's name. Suppose you want a logger whose name is Test Logs; then you should call your log functions on a Logger with that name:

Logger logger = getLogger("Test Logs");
logger.warn("A message");

Configuring the Provider

By default, SLF4D uses a built-in logging provider that simply writes log messages to stdout and stderr. However, if you'd like to use a third-party logging provider instead, or create your own custom provider, all you need to do is call configureLoggingProvider() when your application starts, to set the logging provider to use.

import slf4d;
import some_slf4d_provider;

void main() {
    configureLoggingProvider(new CustomProvider());
    info("This message is handled by the custom provider!");


In addition to the log functions described above, the Logger also provides a set of builder methods that give you a LogBuilder with a fluent interface for building log messages.

Logger logger = getLogger();
    .msg("Building a warning message...")
    .exc(new Exception("Oh no!"))


SLF4D is designed to be easy-to-use in unit testing, and it comes with a few purpose-built components to facilitate this.

  • The slf4d.testing_provider package defines a TestingLoggingProvider class that be used to help with recording any log messages that were sent to it.
  • Under the hood, it uses a CachingLogHandler from slf4d.handler which is a thread-safe handler for storing logged messages in memory for inspection.
  • You can configure it yourself, or simply call getTestingProvider() from within a unittest block.

Here's an example.

unittest {
    import slf4d;
    import slf4d.test;

    withTestingProvider((provider) {

        provider.assertHasMessage("Hello world!");
        assert(provider.messages[0].level == Levels.INFO);
        assert(provider.messages[1].message == "Hello world!");

        // Reset the testing provider to clear all log messages.


        // Check that there are no warn/error messages.

Making a Custom Provider

To create a logging provider, simply implement the LoggingProvider interface defined in slf4d.provider. Consider using a mutex or synchronized in your handler or factory if it needs to access a shared resource.

Check out examples/custom-provider for an example of how you can create such a logging provider.

Why SLF4D?

First, let me ask a question: Is there a single unanimously chosen logging library for the D language? Currently, that answer is "no", and as long as it stays like that, and I imagine it will, then SLF4D can be of use.

SLF4D is not a logger itself, but a common interface that any library or end-user application can plug into. The goal is to allow anyone to support structured logging in their D project, while giving developers the freedom to choose how log messages are handled when you go to run your program. By logging with SLF4D, you make your D modules' log messages compatible with all available logging providers.

D developers; if this message resonates with you, consider adding SFL4D logging to your project!


The versioning of SLF4D follows the Semantic Versioning principles which are, in short:

  • Version numbers formatted as <Major>.<Minor>.<Patch>, e.g. 1.2.3
  • Major version increases when an incompatible change is introduced.
  • Minor version increases when backwards-compatible functionality is introduced.
  • Patch version increases when backwards-compatible bug-fixes are introduced.

More specifically in the context of this library, major version upgrades may introduce a breaking change to either the logging interface or the provider/message handling, but all breaking changes and incompatibilities must be defined in a changelog file for each release. See the changelogs directory for the comprehensive list of all changelogs.

  • Andrew Lalis
3.0.1 2024-Apr-03
3.0.0 2024-Jan-27
2.4.3 2023-Aug-24
2.4.2 2023-Jul-17
2.4.1 2023-Jul-02
Show all 21 versions
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