sodium 0.0.6

A binding to libsodium

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


D language: A ("Deimos"-) binding to libsodium, current version 1.0.10, released on 5. Apr 2016 []

The binding code is complete; every now and then I'll add some doxygen comments / function attributes, as I use, become acquainted with sodium's functions.

Finally, when testing on Windows is done too, D-versioning will "jump on the bandwagon" [== libsodium C-source release version].

MS Windows users: Attention

Trade security against convenience. If You vote for security, discard the executable .lib import library files included in subfolders of folder /lib
README files tell where/how to get/generate them Win32: Requires Digital Mars implib tool to generate import library (.lib, OMF format) Win64: Requires Microsoft linker executable


( expected output: Unpredictable sequence of 8 bytes: [?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?] )

  • make shure, You have rdmd installed for this example and access right of app.d includes 'executable'
  • change directory to example/source and run app.d


  • setup a DUB project, dub.json: ... "dependencies": { "sodium": "~>0.0.5" }
  • Carsten Blüggel
1.0.18-alpha.5 2019-Jun-07
1.0.18-alpha.4 2019-Jun-06
1.0.18-alpha.3 2019-Jun-06
1.0.18-alpha.2 2019-Jun-05
1.0.18-alpha.1 2019-Jun-03
Show all 21 versions
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