sqlite3 1.0.0
SQLite3 interface, designed with simplicity and compile time verification in mind.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
This is a small, simple yet powerful interface on top of sqlite3. It is intended for simplicty and safety when using a database from application code. It is not intended for server side / enterprise database access.
struct User {
@sqlname("rowid") id;
string name;
int age;
auto db = new Database("test.db");
User user = { name : "jake", age : 45 }; // rowid is not inserted, no need to set
db.insert(user); // Rely on auto table creation when insert fails
User[] users = array(db.selectAllWhere!(User, "age > ?")(30));
auto jake = db.selectRowId!User(1);
assert(jake.name == users[0].name == "jake");
The SQLite3
class is how you create or open a sqlite3 database.
auto db = new SQLite3("datafile.db");
Use exec()
for commands that you do not need results from. Parameter types must
match database types or an exception will be thrown.
db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (name TEXT, id INT, image BLOB)");
string userName = "james";
ulong id = 123;
db.exec("INSERT INTO user (name, id) VALUES (?, ?)", name, id);
db.exec("INSERT INTO user (name, id) VALUES (?, ?)", id, name); // <-- Will throw an exception
Use the method query()
when you want to read results.
auto q = db.query("SELECT id,name FROM user WHERE name like ?", "a%");
Use step()
and get(T)()
to fetch rows from the result. get()
use compile time reflection to create an object of the given class using the row result.
struct User {
ulong id;
string name;
void[] pixels;
User[] users;
auto q = db.query("SELECT id,name FROM user");
while(q.step()) {
users ~= q.get!User;
Blobs are supported using void[]
void[] pixels;
db.exec("INSERT INTO user (image) VALUES (?)", pixels);
Note that get()
can be called with a struct as above, or a type tuple, or
just a single type when that is all you want.
auto q = db.query("SELECT image FROM user WHERE id=?", id);
auto pixels2 = q.get!(void[])();
If you haven't called step()
on a query, it will be called automatically by get()
auto id = db.query("SELECT id FROM user WHERE name=?", userName).get!ulong();
Use the QueryBuilder
class to construct sql queries using compile time
arguments and information;
alias Q = QueryBuilder!();
struct User {
string name;
int age;
User u = { name : "jake", age : 45 };
// Generate and perform a CREATE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT) ...
// Generate and perform an INSERT
// Generate a SELECT statement and create a query from it;
auto query = db.query(Q.select!"name".from!User.where!"age>?"(30));
// (Column names are checked against field in structs , so if "name" had been
// misspelled the above would not compile).
The Database
class combines the functionality of QueryBuilder
with SQLite3
allows for usage such as;
foreach(user ; db.selectAllWhere(User, "age > ?")("30"))
int age = db.selectOneWhere(User, "name == ?")("jake").age;
- Registered by Jonas Minnberg
- 1.0.0 released 8 years ago
- sasq64/sqlite3-d
- Copyright © 2017, Jonas Minnberg
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
1.0.0 2017-Jun-12 ~master 2024-Mar-09 - Download Stats:
3 downloads today
4 downloads this week
4 downloads this month
409 downloads total
- Score:
- 1.2
- Short URL:
- sqlite3.dub.pm