stalkd 1.1.5

Library for interacting with the Beanstalk message queue.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


This library provides an interface to the Beanstalk message queue. The sections below outline details of it's usage.


The stalkd library is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Details of this license can be found in the license.txt file in the root of the project source directory.

Building The Library

The stalkd library use the dub package manager application. If you clone the source repository and install dub you can build a production version of the library using a command such as the following issued in the root directory of the repository...

   $> dub build --build=release

The output from this command should be written into the bin subdirectory of the repository and will consist of two files. On Linux systems these will be called libstalkd.a and stalkd.di. The first is a static library the you can compile into your application. The second is a header file that can be used as an alternative to providing the source file for direct compilation (it's needed by D to determine imports). Alternatively you can build a debugging version of the library with the command...

   $> dub build --build=debug

Using The Library

All of the components provided within the stalkd library are contained in the stalkd module so you first have to import this to make use of any of the libraries facilities. You can do this be adding a line such as the following to your code...

   import stalkd;

Once you've imported the library the simplest thing to do is to obtain yourself a Tube. To do this you'll need to know the host/IP address for a Beanstalkd server and possibly it's port number (if it isn't using the standard one). Once you have these details you can obtain yourself a Tube instance as follows...

   auto tube1 = new Tube(Server("hostname")),
        tube2 = new Tube(Server("", 5678));

You'd replace the host name and port number shown in these examples with the relevant host and port for your server.

A Tube object is the main class for interacting with Beanstalk jobs. In Beanstalk there are two concepts associated with tubes. Tubes can be used and they can be watched. A used tube is one to which submitted jobs will be added. You can only be using a single tube per Beanstalk connection.

On the other hand you can be watching multiple tubes simultaneously. Watched tubes are ones that you're interested in knowing when jobs are available on them. Note that if a named tube does not exist on the server when you specify that you want to watch it then it is auto-created by the server itself.

You can change the tube you're using in one of two ways...

   tube2.using = "ningy";

On the first line we just call the use function of the Tube object and specify the name of the tube we want to start using. The second line just shows an alternative approach by setting the using property but these two are effectively the same behind the scenes.

Similarly there is a function for altering the tubes that a Tube object is currently watching..."first", "second", "third");

This call adds three tubes to the list of tubes being watched by the Tube object referred to as tube1. You can pass one or more tube names to a call to the watch() function. Note, that calling watch() implies addition and not the replacement of tubes being watched. To stop watching a tube then there use a call like the following...


Again this function will accept one or more tube names. Once you have configured your Tube object to watch the appropriate tubes you can fetch a job from it by calling the reserve() function...

   Job job = tube1.reserve();

Note that in the example above the call to reserve will block until such time as a job becomes available. If you want to use a non-blocking request then pass a uint to the call to reserve() that specifies the maximum number of seconds that the server will wait for a job to become available before giving up. In the case of a job not being available a call to reserve() returns a Nullable instance that will return true for isNull.

The jobs returned from a call to reserve() are of type Job. Beanstalk considers all jobs to essentially be a collection of bytes. The Job class provides some convenience methods for converting these collection of bytes to and from strings. For example...

   string body = job.bodyAsString();

Note that use of these functions is contingent on the fact that the job was originally written in the same encoding as you're trying to extract it into. Reserving a job informs Beanstalk that you are interested in having sole ownership of it and Beanstalk guarantees that the same job will not be handed out to separate reservation requests. Reserving a job does not take it out of the queue, to do that you must destroy it...


Destroying a job deletes it from Beanstalk. You should do this only when you are satisfied that you have finished with the job. Note that when a job is created in Beanstalk it has a time to run (TTR) value associated with it. This is used by Beanstalk as a timer on the job. Beanstalk assumes that if you reserve a job and then fail to destroy it within its TTR then it is free to return it to the ready queue. If you do require extra time to process a job you can extend the TTR by calling the touch() function of the Job class like this...


This resets the TTR timer for the job on the Beanstalk server. If while processing the job you decide that you cannot continue working with the job you've reserved you can return it to Beanstalks control by calling the release() function...


The release() function accepts some additional parameters that are not shown in this example, consult the code for details. Alternatively, if you decide that the job cannot be processed but don't want to lose it you can bury it instead. To bury a job make a call such as...


Again the bury() function has a defaulted parameter so consult the code for additional information. Finally, in relation to looking for jobs, if you simply want to check that a job is available from the queue the you are currently using you can call the peek() function on the tube, such as...

   Job job = tube1.peek();

This will return a job if there is one available or null if there isn't. Note that you haven't reserved the job returned so you can't destroy it or bury it as you haven't obtained exclusive access to it. This function is simply a means of checking if any jobs are available. Note that there are other peek functions on the Tube class, consult the code for more details.

Adding a job to Beanstalk involves creating a new Job object, populating it with data and then submitting it to the server. This might looks like...

   auto job = new Job;

   job.append("This is the textual content of my job's body.");

This submits your job with a default priority and time to run and with no delay (i.e. it's ready to be processed immediately). Here are some examples of adding jobs that vary these parameters...

   // Add a job with a five minute delay.
   tube1.put(job, 300);

   // Add a job with no delay and a lower priority.
   tube1.put(job, 0, 1000);

   // Add a job with a 1 minutes delay, highest priority and a 10 minute TTR.
   tube1.put(job, 60, 0, 600);

Thread Safety

There are no access control mechanisms on any of the classes or entities within the library. Having said that the Server class is essentially immutable once created and each Tube fetched from a Server gets it's own connection to the Beanstalk server so you could share a Server instance between threads. You certainly should not share Tubes between threads however and you definitely should not share a Connection between Tubes.


To build the unit test application for the library issue the following command in the root directory of the repository...

   $> dub test

This should place a unit test executable into the bin directory upon completion. Note, to run the test you must have a working instance of the Beanstalk server that you can reference. By default the test application assumes it's running on port 11300 or localhost. If this is not the case then you can specify -h and -p flags when calling the executable to specify the host and port for the test Beanstalk server.

Note that testing without connecting to an actual Beanstalkd instance is fairly limited. The test can run in 'advanced' mode if you have Beanstalkd instance that you can let them use. In this case you simply set the host name for the instance as the BEANSTALKDTESTHOST environment variable. On a Unix system you could do this with a command such as...

   $> BEANSTALKD_TEST_HOST="" dub test

The system will also recognise the BEANSTALKDTESTPORT environment setting as the port number for the Beanstalkd test instance if its set. If this is not set then the default port is assumed. Note that the Beanstalkd instance that you use for testing should not be used for anything else as the test code will add, query and destroy entries on the default tube, which is not the kind of activity that you'd want on an instance being used for other purposes.

  • Peter Wood
1.1.5 2020-Apr-04
1.1.4 2020-Mar-26
1.1.3 2018-Jul-17
1.1.2 2018-Jul-16
1.1.1 2018-May-28
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