steam-gns-d ~main

Updated D bindings for GameNetworkingSockets

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Steam GameNetworkingSockets for D

D bindings for Valve's GameNetworkingSockets. Based on v1.4.1.

Note, a majority of the things included within the bindings are of internal use to Valve and might have been copied over just because they were included in the public headers. They probably don't matter. I don't use them. I also don't use bindings to proprietary Steam services, which are included in the API. Most common APIs are guaranteed to work, the rest is not.

DUB note: You will need to link against GameNetworkingSockets within your DUB config; this will not be done in this repo to avoid possible linking problems when crosscompiling. To do so, add "libs": ["GameNetworkingSockets"] to your dub.json.

  • Valve Corporation
  • Artha
Sub packages:
1.4.1 2022-Jul-21
0.1.2 2022-Jul-16
0.1.1 2021-Nov-13
0.1.0 2021-Oct-21
~main 2022-Aug-14
Show all 5 versions
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