topleaked 0.0.3

A tool for searching memory leaks in core dumps

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


This is a tool for searching memory leaks in core dumps. If you have a memory dump of a process that used too much memory you will want to use topleaked. It lookes for most frequent 8 bytes words in dump and write top N of them. Usually top contains pointers to vtbl of leaked objects in case of C++ or pointers to functions in case of C. Inspired by this question and answers to it.

It is

  • A simple tool that looks for most frequent things
  • 64-bit Little-Endian (e.g. x86_64) dumps compatible (other platforms support is in progress)

It is NOT

  • Yet another valgrind. It does not work with process itself, it is only for dump analisys. If you can reproduce your memory leak use a memory sanitizer.
  • Language or platform specific. It does not parse dump (e.g. using libelf). It just read a file byte by byte and build a frequency top.


First you need a D compiler. topleaked is written in D language and you can get compiler from official site. LDC is recommended as it is best in optimization. There are two options: install from dub registry or clone from github and build.

Get using dub

dub fetch topleaked

This command will download sources to local dub registry. To use it run

dub run -brelease-nobounds topleaked -- <arguments>

This command will compile sources if needed and run. Arguments to topleaked shoul be passed after --

Clonning from github

Just clone this repository and switch to it in terminal and run

dub build -brelease-nobounds

It will compile and put executable in same directory. You can copy this executable to any folder or add to PATH. It does not have any dependencies and can be moved.


If you installed package from dub then your command to execute is

dub run topleaked -brelease-nobounds -- <filename> [<options>...]

In other cases you have the executable file and can do the same with

topleaked <filename> [<options>...]

Options are

-n   --size how many items from top should be printed
-o --output use 'gdb' for passing output to gdb stdin, 'human' [default] for human readable output
-s --offset start from position s, use it to offset gcore
-l  --limit max number of 8byte words to read
-t   --time print processing time
-f   --find find pattern
-a --around szie of context of find
-h   --help This help information.

To process hex from output into classes or functions from your code pass output to gdb

topleaked myapp.core -o gdb | gdb myapp myapp.core

Known issues

Do not use 'gcore' for getting core dump on Linux. There are some format or alignment issues and results can not be interpreted as valid symbols. Try --offset 4 or some other to solve this problem. Or use SIGABRT (kill -SIGABRT <pid>) for dumping memory.

To Do

  • 32-bit systems support
  • other endians support
  • Grigory Smorkalov
0.0.3 2020-Jan-27
0.0.2 2020-Jan-26
0.0.1 2018-Jul-29
~master 2020-Jun-29
Show all 4 versions
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