vibe_recaptcha 1.0.0

Implementation of Google's reCAPTCHA service in Vibe.d

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

<h1>Vibe reCAPTCHA</h1> <!-- <p>===============================</p> --> <p>Implement Google's reCaptcha service in Vibe.d.</p>

<h1>Before You Get Started</h1> <!-- <p>===============================</p> --> <p>You'll need to sign up for <a href="">API Keys</a> before you can use reCaptcha</p>

<h1>Installation</h1> <!-- <p>===============================</p> --> <p>To install, add vibe_recaptcha to your package.json file:</p> <pre>

"dependencies": {


<p>Import the module in your app.d file:</p> <pre>

import recaptcha.connect;


<h1>Displaying the CAPTCHA image</h1> <!-- <p>===============================</p> --> <p>The CAPTCHA image is generated in two steps</p> <p>1. Call function recaptchaHTML(string publickey) in your app.d file, and make it visible to your view:</p>

<h2>app.d</h2> <pre> void index(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {

string recaptcha = recaptchaHTML("your public key");
	HTTPServerRequest, "req",
	string, "recaptcha")
	(req, recaptcha);

} </pre> <p>2. From there, render the variable from within your view:</p> <h2>index.dt</h2> <pre> form(action='/verify',method='post')

// Your form fields here
!= recaptcha


<h1>Verifying the Solution</h1> <!-- <p>===============================</p> --> <p>Check the response with verifyRecaptcha(string privateKey, string ip, string challenge, string response)</p> <pre> void verify(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {

string challenge = req.form["recaptcha_challenge_field"];
string response = req.form["recaptcha_response_field"];
if ( verifyRecaptcha("private key", req.peer, challenge, response) )
	// Handle the success response
	// Handle the failure response
	res.writeBody(cast(ubyte[]) "Failure.", "text/plain");

} </pre>

<h1>Test API Keys</h1> <!-- <p>===============================</p> --> <p>To check for errors during verification, call function testRecaptcha instead of verifyRecaptcha to see the response from reCAPTCHA when a response is inputted:</p> <pre> // import vibe.core.log void verify(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {

string challenge = req.form["recaptcha_challenge_field"];
string response = req.form["recaptcha_response_field"];

// Returns either "true" or an error message
string recaptchaMessage = testRecaptcha("private key", req.peer, challenge, response);
logInfo("Recaptcha's Response: %s", recaptchaMessage);

} </pre>

  • Isaac Bell
1.0.0 2013-Dec-03
~master 2015-Nov-20
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