yaml-d ~dev

A YAML parser and emitter in D.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
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yamld-d is an open source YAML parser and emitter library for the D programming. Based on D-YAML.


  • Easy to use, high level API and detailed debugging messages.
  • Detailed API documentation and tutorials.
  • Code examples.
  • Supports all YAML 1.1 constructs. All examples from the YAML 1.1 specification are parsed correctly.
  • Reads from and writes from/to YAML files or in-memory buffers.
  • UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings are supported, both big and little endian (plain ASCII also works as it is a subset of UTF-8).
  • Support for both block (Python-like, based on indentation) and flow (JSON-like, based on bracing) constructs.
  • Support for YAML anchors and aliases.
  • Support for default values in mappings.
  • Support for custom tags (data types), and implicit tag resolution for custom scalar tags.
  • All tags (data types) described at http://yaml.org/type/ are supported, with the exception of tag:yaml.org,2002:yaml, which is used to represent YAML code in YAML.
  • Remembers YAML style information between loading and dumping if possible.
  • Reuses input memory and uses slices to minimize memory allocations.
  • There is no support for recursive data structures.
  • LLC Cereris
  • Peter Kozhevnikov
Sub packages:
0.0.1 2017-May-16
~master 2017-May-16
~dev 2017-Mar-19
Show all 3 versions
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  • 155 downloads total

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