ysbase 0.2.0-beta

Hazel's base utilities for D programming

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YS Base

Hazel's base utilities for D programming.

Why? There are often problems I need to solve over and over again. This aims to make a package I can include as the base for my projects. Hopefully you can also find it useful.


  • memory allocation tools
  • [x] can work with std.experimental.allocator, stdx.allocator
  • [x] automatically supports @nogc as long as your allocator does
  • [x] can be configured to just use the garbage collector (sets the default allocator to GCAllocator and disables freeing)
  • [x] fast general purpose default allocator
  • [x] version of Mallocator that takes the functions it calls as template args.
  • [WIP] shared allocator building blocks
  • [WIP] shared global allocator by default
  • [WIP] smart pointers and collections
    • [x] smart pointers
    • [ ] vectors
    • [ ] strings
    • [x] ref-counted struct wrappers
    • Inspired by the API of BTL but using a completely original implementation.
    • With practical considerations inspired by my time writing embedded software in D
  • Magic bullshittery utilities, sourced from both general projects of mine and especially from 3dskit
  • [x] transmute!, the equivalent of rust's std::mem::transmute or C++'s std::bit_cast.
  • [ ] stringStringchar* conversion tools
  • template stuff

This list will hopefully grow as I write more small lil utils.

The forest of std.experimental.allocator forks

std.experimental.allocator provides an interface for composable allocators of the type described in Andrei Alexandrescu's excellent talk, std::allocator is to Allocation what std::vector is to Vexation.

stdx.allocator is a subtly different version of this entire module tree broken out to be a sort of "LTS" version, so that production ready code like vibe.d can depend on it - the std version being experimental and all.

YSBase can run on either std or stdx variants of allocator. I suggest you use stdx if you are using vibe.d and std otherwise.

I don't really want to spawn another fork of these, but I encountered an issue in that many of the building_blocks do not support shared. Some, like Segregator, handle it perfectly! Others, like FreeList do not.

So the ysbase.allocation modules not only re-export std/x allocator, but also overrides some allocator types with more suitable types e.g. a ParametricMallocator template that takes the malloc function as a parameter, and a shared-safe FreeList.

The plan is eventually to have all building blocks make themselves shared automatically eventually. The default implementations support this exclusively for stateless allocators, but it should be totally possible to have shared stateful allocators too (though there are potential performance drawbacks to be aware of!).

Configurations and Versions

You can choose different behaviour at compile time using dub.json/dub.sdl:

subConfiguration "ysbase" "stdxalloc"

Use stdx.allocator instead of std.experimental.allocator. Note that stdx.allocator is basically a frozen / LTS version of std.experimental.allocator, but neither have received updates in years so just using std isn't likely to cause stability issues.

version "YSBase_GC"

Rely on the garbage collector for all freeing. This does the following things:

  • Sets the default allocator to GCAllocator
  • Memory management tools such as smart pointers and strings will NOT free memory automatically
  • If you pass a custom allocator in this mode, they will just leak.
  • Destructors will still run as usual, if present
  • For trivially destructible types, may significantly simplify bookkeeping for performance.
  • Disables automatic initialization of processAllocator

Why you wouldn't then just use raw pointers, strings, slice concatenation, new, etc., I don't know, but sure.

version "YSBase_NoGlobalAlloc"

Disables initializing processAllocator with an instance of YSBAllocator!Mallocator before main(). You need not set this version if you have set YSBase_GC already.

  • Hazel Atkinson
ddox, docgen
0.2.0-beta 2024-Dec-29
0.1.1-beta 2024-Nov-14
0.1.0-beta 2024-Nov-14
~main 2025-Jan-27
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