yu ~master
Yu(玉) Dlang‘s Toolkit
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
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A Dlang's Toolkit. Extend Phobos.
- algorithm
- * snowflkeId.d : Twitter's Snowflke ID generate algorithm.to generate only ID
- * hash.d : string hash function
- * checksum.d : CRC, LRC , Fletcher, Adler...... check function
- container : the container base std.experimental.allocator
- * cirularqueue : Cirular Queue Struct Template.
- * string : The COW string template.
- * other : see : https://github.com/dlang-community/containers
- timer : Timer
- * timingwheeltimer : Time wheel algorithm . base std.experimental.allocator
- memory
- * alloctor : the yuAlloctor and easy make object base yuAlloctor. Base std.experimental.allocator
- * gc : gcFree to easy free the memory in GC
- * scopedref : the Unique Ptr/Ref like C++'s std::unique_ptr.
- * sharedref : the RC Ptr/Ref like C++'s std::shared_ptr
- * smartref : easy to create the scopedref and sharedref
- array : Extend Phobos's std.array.
- bytes : add find in byte or ubyte.
- exception : Extend Phobos's std.exception.
- functional : add bind use delegate.
- string : Extend Phobos's std.string.
- task : the task base std.experimental.allocator
- thread : auto attach thread
- traits : : Extend Phobos's std.traits.
- filepath : Extend std.path to get nowPath or exePath
- utils
- * http1xparser : the http 1.x and url parser. Base and Port from : https://github.com/nodejs/http-parser
- * buffer : the buffer class.
- * sharedlib : load dll or so, in runing
- * serialize : a Custom binary-system serialize and deserialize
- Registered by dushibaiyu
- ~master released 2 years ago
- dushibaiyu/yu
- Apache Licene 2.0
- Copyright © 2017, 渡世白玉
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- emsi_containers
- Versions:
0.2.1 2023-Oct-08 0.2.0 2023-Sep-14 0.1.2 2017-Aug-14 0.1.1 2017-Aug-07 0.1.0 2017-Jul-26 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
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56 downloads total
- Score:
- 1.1
- Short URL:
- yu.dub.pm