zconfig 1.0.0

A simple config file generator and parser

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


zconfig is a library that easily serializes and deserializes config files or directly provide them through the command line based on a given annotated struct.

The library provides annotations which are used on plain old data structs which give them information such as descriptions or other shortnames.

The actual parsing is not done by this library but is directly feeded into D's getopt function. This library just parses a config file and generates arguments for getopt out of them.

The benefit by using getopt is that you essentially synchronize the command line arguments and the config file options with just one struct.


@SectionDescribes a section. When a struct member is annotated with it then the member will be written underneath [section].
@DescAdds a description to a struct member which will be printed on the command line help and on the config file.
@ShortProvide an alternative (short-)name to a struct member. Allows the same setting to be changed via alternative (short-)names.
@OnlyCLIDo not (de-)serialize the struct member but only read it from the command line.
@ConfigFileMark a struct member to be the filename of the to-be-read config file. This is a special annotation and only be provided to one struct member. It also can only be provided through the command line.
@PassThroughSame as getopt passThrough.
@RequiredSame as getopt required. If the option is not provided an error is thrown.


initializeConfigAutomatically generates the getopt arguments and calls said function with it.
getConfigArgumentsParses the config file and creates an args array ouf of them excluding options provided through the command line.
writeExampleConfigFileCreates an example config based on an annotated struct.

Additional information is written inside the source. Run dub build docs to view them in html format.


Basic example

struct MyConfig
    @ConfigFile @Short("c") @Desc("Read this config file instead of the default.")
    string configFile;
    @Desc("My number.")
    int number;
    @Desc("My bool.")
    bool toggle;

        @Required @Short("host") @Desc("Hostname of the service.")
        string hostname = "localhost";
        @Required @Short("p") @Desc("Port of the service.")
        int port = 1234;

enum usage = "My program version 1.0 does things.";

int main(string[] args)
    string[] configArgs = getConfigArguments!Config("myconf.conf", args);

    if (configArgs.length > 0)
        import std.array : insertInPlace;

        // Prepend them into the command line args
        args.insertInPlace(1, configArgs);

    MyConfig conf;
    bool helpWanted = false;

    import std.getopt : GetOptException;
        conf = initializeConfig!(MyConfig, usage)(args, helpWanted);
    catch (GetOptException e)
        import std.stdio : stderr;
        stderr.writefln("Invalid argument: %s", e.msg);
        return 1;

    if (helpWanted)
        return 0;

Generate example config file

int main(string[] args)
    return 0;

myconf.conf will have the following content:

; My number.
; Default value: 0

; My bool.
; Default value: false

; Hostname of the service.
; Default value: localhost

; Port of the service.
; Default value: 1234

  • zhad3
1.1.3 2022-Aug-26
1.1.2 2022-Jun-15
1.1.1 2022-Jun-14
1.1.0 2022-Jun-13
1.0.1 2022-Jun-06
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