Search results for: color

PackageLatest versionDateScoreDescription
colored 0.0.31 2023-Apr-044.9A minimalistic console coloring library.
color 0.0.9 2020-Apr-143.5Color library for the D programming language
console-colors 1.3.1 2024-Feb-242.7If it's worth having a command-line, then it's worth having colors.
colorize 1.0.5 2014-Aug-052.9A port of Ruby's colorize library to D.
colorlog 0.0.10 2024-Feb-220.4std.experimental.logger with color support
consoled 1.0.4 2016-Aug-181.9Because colors are awesome.
gogga 3.1.1 2024-Apr-112.6Plug-and-play colorful VT100 logging for your terminal
terminal 1.0.0 2018-Mar-131.2Colors, formatting and utilities for the terminal
littlecms-d 2024-Apr-200.5D bindings and pre-compiled libraries for the little CMS color management system
applogger 0.0.6 2022-Apr-080.3Shared logger with colors
colored-logger 0.1.0 2015-Dec-150.4Colored logger for TTY
scone 2.1.3 2020-Jan-251.7Simple Console
termcolor-d 0.0.1 2018-Nov-210.8Colorize writeln(...) output
rainbow 0.0.2 2015-Mar-160.3A terminal ascii colorizer for D programming language
imaged 1.0.2 2017-Jan-010.6Image loading/writing library.
drlutil 1.0.0 2015-Jul-020.6D port of rlutil.h - A simple utility library for coloring the console

Found 16 packages.