Search results for: stream

PackageLatest versionDateScoreDescription
river 0.3.8 2023-May-260.3Streams interface
audio-formats 3.0.2 2024-Feb-111.6Streaming decoding support for popular audio formats.
plotd 1.0.1-beta 2016-Sep-131.7Plot streams of data from the command line.
streams 3.5.0 2023-Jun-232.3A collection of useful stream primitives and implementations.
vibe-stream 1.1.1 2024-Nov-013.4Advanced stream implementations for vibe-core
freck-streams 1.2.0 2018-Mar-120.7Easy-to-use I/O streams library
fio 0.0.9 2018-Nov-141.9IO streams implemented from the ground up.
bformat 5.0.0 2023-Oct-010.3A simple message format for automatically length-prefixing messages over any socket or stream
flod 0.0.2 2016-Mar-150.7Another I/O and multimedia streaming library.
libchonky 0.0.4 2021-Jul-090.7Streaming socket chunked full-reader
streamz 1.3.2 2022-Aug-120.6simple streams library based on freck-streams
socket-msg-queue 1.0.0 2018-Mar-270.5Breaks a TCP socket stream into messages easy to deal with messages.

Found 12 packages.