Search results for: gui

PackageLatest versionDateScoreDescription
dlangui 0.10.8 2024-Jul-134.1Cross platform GUI for D. Layouts, styles, themes, unicode, i18n, OpenGL, widgets. Android support.
arsd-official 11.5.3 2024-Oct-105.0Subpackage collection for web, database, terminal ui, gui, scripting, and more with a commitment t…
gtk-d 3.11.0 2023-Apr-084.8GtkD is the Digital Mars D programing language OO wrapper for Gtk+.
colorize 1.0.5 2014-Aug-053.5A port of Ruby's colorize library to D.
fluid 0.7.3 2025-Feb-162.8A straightforward and easy to use GUI library.
tkd 1.1.14 2021-Oct-152.5GUI toolkit for the D programming language based on Tcl/Tk
dwt 1.0.5+swt-3.4.1 2020-Aug-132.7A library for creating cross-platform GUI applications.
dgui 1.0.1 2014-May-202.5A graphic library for Windows.
dimgui 1.0.3 2019-Apr-282.2dimgui is a D port of the imgui OpenGL GUI library
dqml 0.6.1 2017-Apr-222.3Qml bindings for both D and Nim programming languages.
nanogui 1.5.0 2024-Jul-272.1Port of nanogui to dlang.
gid 0.9.3 2025-Feb-242.1GObject introspection D binding package repository
anchovy 0.8.3 2015-Dec-191.8Set of multimedia libraries for games and gui applications
termbox 0.0.5 2016-Mar-131.8A port of the TUI library TermBox
poison 0.2.1 2016-Dec-091.7The high performance cross-platform desktop/mobile UI engine.
aurora-directx 12.1.2+10.0.17763.0 2020-Feb-011.6DirectX Interfaces for Aurora
wayland 0.4.0 2025-Feb-161.6Wayland bindings for D
derelict-libui 0.3.0 2016-May-261.6A dynamic binding to the libui library.
tharsis-dimgui 0.1.10 2015-Aug-311.5A fork of dimgui used in Tharsis and related projects
awebview 0.9.1 2015-Oct-031.3Awesomium wrapper and WebView GUI library for D programming language.
dvn 1.0.21 2025-Jan-081.5A free open-source visual novel engine written in D.
d2dgame 3.0.0-beta.3 2021-Dec-031.5D 2D Game-Engine
dfl2 1.0.7 2014-Dec-221.3dfl2 is a GUI library for Windows,now it can be built by dco, DUB or Visual Studio .NET(such as VS…
ddui 0.0.2 2022-Nov-061.4BetterC Immediate-mode UI library
bindbc-raylib 0.9.1 2021-Oct-151.3Dynamic and static bindings to raylib
dguihub 0.1.2 2017-Jun-061.1A graphic library for Windows (github version).
iup 3.31.0-alpha.1 2024-Apr-271.1Deimos-like binding to IUP, Portable graphical User Interface
geany_dlang 0.0.6 2019-Aug-311.0Geany D language support plugin
guino 0.1.3 2023-Oct-160.9Create your GUI in D with webview
linebreak 1.1.2 2021-Jan-141.0Generates line breaking points based on Unicode® Standard Annex #14
oswald 0.12.0 2020-May-160.9OS Window Abstraction Library in D
glfw3d 2.1.0 2016-Dec-030.8GLFW3 wrapper for D programming language
matplotlib-d 0.1.7 2020-Jul-220.82D Plotting library for D using python and matplotlib
emoji-d 11.0.2 2018-Sep-030.7🙂📚 Unicode Emoji enum library
bindbc-imgui 0.7.0 2022-Jun-100.7Dynamic and static bindings to imgui, compatible with -betterC, @nogc, and nothrow.
nuklearbrowser 0.1.1 2021-Aug-030.5A file browser for Nuklear GUI library
colors 0.0.3 2024-Oct-110.6A color library that implement CSS colors.
derelict-wintab 0.1.2 2016-Oct-070.6A dynamic binding to WinTab (Wacom Tablet API for Windows)
belleglade 1.0.0 2021-Oct-310.5a tool to make working with GtkD and glade easier by generating a D class that connects handlers t…
meatbox 0.1.6 2015-Apr-250.4Boxed OpenGl rendering, feat. SDL2, FreeType and pain.
gid-gtk4-examples 0.9.3 2025-Feb-240.4giD Gtk 4 examples
glui 0.5.2 2022-Aug-010.4A simple UI library designed for IsodiTools and Samerion
webview 0.1.1 2023-Oct-030.1Binding for a tiny cross-platform webview library to build modern cross-platform GUIs
dlangui_bearlibterminal 0.0.1 2017-Oct-270.2External platform for dlangui based on Bearlib terminal
gd 0.1.1 2024-Apr-050.1GUI for D
dwtlib 3.2.5 2018-Feb-170.0The dub package for dwt
nice-curses 0.2.5 2019-Feb-170.0A nice object-oriented wrapper over ncurses library.
gdub 1.1.0 2017-Jun-290.0GDUB is a DWT GUI front end for DUB, a D language build tool
liberty-engine 0.0.15 2018-Oct-280.0Simple, fast and modern 2D/3D engine.
evael 0.0.2 2019-Sep-100.0Small game engine written in D.

Found 50 packages.