Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:
Name | Last update | Score | Registered | Description |
fluent-asserts-vibe | 1.0.0-beta.1, 2 years ago | 1.0 | 2020-Apr-02 | Fluent assertions for Vibe.d |
fluent-logger | 0.1.2, 9 years ago | 2.1 | 2014-Aug-18 | A structured logger for Fluentd. |
fluentsqlite | 0.1.5, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2021-May-09 | A wrapper for SQLite to use a fluent interface for creating SQL queries. |
fluid | 0.7.0, 7 days ago | 2.6 | 2024-Jan-17 | A straightforward and easy to use GUI library. |
fluid-tree-sitter | 0.1.7, 13 days ago | 2.9 | 2024-Apr-25 | Tree Sitter integration for Fluid's CodeInput |
flyweightbyid | 0.2.1, 3 years ago | 0.5 | 2020-Dec-24 | Flyweight template based on explicitly named ids compatible with betterC |
fmod | 0.0.2, 9 years ago | 0.7 | 2015-May-02 | A wrapper around FMOD |
fmt-d | 0.0.1, 4 years ago | 0.0 | 2020-Feb-01 | A minimal D application. |
fnl | 1.1.2, a year ago | 0.3 | 2022-Jul-16 | FastNoiseLite bindings (static) |
fontconfig | 2.0.0+2.13.91, 4 years ago | 0.7 | 2017-May-09 | fontconfig bindings |
foo | 0.0.0, 2 years ago | 0.3 | 2022-Nov-21 | This is a dummy package that will never have any content. I registered it because it seemed plaus… |
foreignptr | 1.0.0, 4 years ago | 0.7 | 2020-Apr-09 | A foreign ptr wrapper with automatic cleanup callback. |
forever-d | 0.1.1, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2013-Oct-27 | Ensures that a given program runs continuously |
formoshlep | 0.0.2, 6 years ago | 0.7 | 2017-Dec-11 | Dlangui web backend platform |
foxidtest | 0.0.3, 4 years ago | 0.6 | 2020-Jul-07 | Testing |
fpdf | 1.0.2, 9 years ago | 0.8 | 2015-Jan-08 | Minimalist class for generating PDF documents. |
fptools | 0.1.0, 6 years ago | 0.8 | 2018-Sep-12 | Functional Programming & Useful Tools for D |
framed | 1.1.0, 4 years ago | 0.8 | 2020-Aug-23 | Provides a system-independent framebuffer to draw pixels in |
freck-streams | 1.2.0, 6 years ago | 0.7 | 2017-Feb-28 | Easy-to-use I/O streams library |
freeimage | 1.0.1+3.16.0, 10 years ago | 0.7 | 2014-Jun-24 | Binding for the FreeImage graphics library. |
freetype-d | 0.0.2, 6 years ago | 0.7 | 2018-Oct-28 | D bindings to freetype |
frp-d | 1.1.0-alpha.1, 5 years ago | 0.0 | 2019-Jan-25 | Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) library. |
fswatch | 0.6.1, a year ago | 1.7 | 2016-Jul-18 | a cross-platform folder & file watching library using win32, inotify or std.file |
funkwerk-tinyredis | 2.4.2, 6 months ago | 0.0 | 2024-Feb-23 | Redis driver for D. (Funkwerk fork) |
fuse-d | 0.6.0, 3 years ago | 1.1 | 2019-Mar-02 | A D binding for libfuse |
fut | 0.0.4, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Dec-23 | Unit tests as a fitness function |
future | 0.1.1, 4 years ago | 1.5 | 2016-Mar-27 | asynchronous return values and related functionality |
fuzzycopy | 1.0.2, 10 months ago | 2.1 | 2018-Jul-16 | Copying data from one struct type to another for lazy people |
fuzzyd | 2.2.0-beta, 4 years ago | 0.8 | 2020-Apr-13 | fuzzy search library |
fuzzydate | 1.0.0, 9 years ago | 2.9 | 2015-Nov-12 | Simple fuzzy date formatting library |
fuzzymatch | 1.0.0, a year ago | 2.2 | 2023-Mar-20 | Dead-simple, efficient string and array fuzzy matching library (string.contains, but better) |
g4d | 1.4.4, 6 years ago | 0.2 | 2018-Jun-16 | Graphics Library for dlang. |
gallinule | 0.0.3, 5 months ago | 0.4 | 2024-Apr-16 | Runtime dynamic assembler for JIT compilation. |
game-mixer | 1.1.2, a year ago | 1.2 | 2021-Aug-21 | Sound API for your game |
gamenetworkingsockets_d | 0.0.3, 6 years ago | 0.0 | 2018-Jun-16 | D bindings for valve's gamenetworkingsockets |
gameserver | 0.1.2, 2 years ago | 0.6 | 2022-Mar-25 | Server to host games using enet |
gamma | ~master, 24 days ago | 0.5 | 2021-Apr-08 | Extended Affix Grammar compiler compiler |
gamut | 3.0.0, 3 months ago | 0.6 | 2022-Jul-03 | Image library. Decoders/encoders for PNG, TGA, BMP, JPEG, JPEG XL, DDS, GIF, QOI, QOIX. 16-bit sup… |
gapi | 0.0.1-alpha.4, 5 years ago | 1.0 | 2018-Nov-18 | Simple data oriented graphics api for OpenGL. |
gauthenticator | 0.0.2, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2020-Feb-27 | Act as google authenticator device |
gbaid | 0.3.0-beta, 7 years ago | 2.2 | 2014-Dec-24 | A GameBoy Advance emulator in D |
gcc-build-script | 0.0.1, 8 years ago | 0.5 | 2016-Oct-14 | A script to build GCC compilers |
gccjitd | 0.1.0, 9 years ago | 2.0 | 2015-Jan-21 | D bindings for libgccjit.so |
gcm | 2.0.0-alpha.2, 9 years ago | 0.0 | 2015-Aug-22 | Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for D |
gcm-d | 0.1.0, 8 years ago | 0.7 | 2013-Dec-06 | Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for D (using vibe.d) |
gd | 0.1.1, 6 months ago | 0.0 | 2024-Jan-12 | GUI for D |
gdal2 | 2.1.2, 7 years ago | 0.0 | 2016-Nov-15 | Binding to GDAL library C interface. |
gdub | 1.1.0, 7 years ago | 0.0 | 2017-Jun-28 | GDUB is a DWT GUI front end for DUB, a D language build tool |
geany_dlang | 0.0.6, 5 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Jul-03 | Geany D language support plugin |
geario | 0.1.0, 2 years ago | 1.1 | 2022-May-14 | A cross-platform abstraction library with asynchronous I/O. |
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Displaying results 951 to 1000 of 2490 packages found.
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