Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
libinputvisitor 1.2.2, 8 years ago 1.02014-Sep-10Write D input range generators in a straightforward coroutine style
gnuplot-crafter 0.2.1, 8 years ago 0.32016-Sep-06A library that provides utilities to generate gnuplot data files.
traildb 0.0.2, 8 years ago 0.72016-Sep-18D bindings for TrailDB
jwt 0.4.0, 8 years ago 2.52016-Sep-15A Simple D implementation of JSON Web Tokens
derelict-newton 1.0.0, 8 years ago 0.42016-Sep-17Dynamic bindings to Newton Dynamics Engine
plotd 1.0.1-beta, 8 years ago 1.62014-Sep-23Plot streams of data from the command line.
jin-tree 3.0.0, 8 years ago 2.42015-Jan-26Tree - simple fast compact user-readable binary-safe extensible structural format
d_primes 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.32016-Sep-10prime numbers neatly packaged as d arrays
semitwistweb 0.0.7, 8 years ago 1.22015-Aug-14A usable-but-unpolished Vibe.d/mustache-based web framework.
puppeteer 0.8.0, 8 years ago 0.62016-Jun-21A library or cli app to easily communicate with programmable electronic boards such as Arduino imp…
logd-html 0.3.1, 8 years ago 0.72016-Aug-28A lightweight D logger that writes to a html for formatted output
ddmd-experimental 2.71.2-b2dub, 8 years ago 0.72016-Aug-29Experimental library of the dmd frontend (currently Linux-only)
xlsxwriter 0.0.1, 8 years ago 1.32016-Aug-26A D binding for libxlsxwriter
rationald 0.1.1, 8 years ago 0.32016-Mar-18A library for rational numbers in D.
consoled 1.0.4, 8 years ago 1.92015-Mar-17Because colors are awesome.
elasticsearch-d 1.0.7, 8 years ago 0.82016-Jan-31A D Elasticsearch library with an API similar to the official Elasticsearch packages for other lan…
colourfulmoon 1.0.2, 8 years ago 0.72016-Feb-13Paint you terminal!
seekingwhirl 1.0.7, 8 years ago 0.32016-Jan-03Library for work with DuckDuckGo API
injected 0.1.0, 8 years ago 1.12016-Aug-11Dependency injection framework
matplotd 0.0.1, 8 years ago 1.32016-Aug-10Plot charts with Matplotlib
hprose-d 1.2.3, 8 years ago 1.82015-Feb-08Hprose for D.
pack-d 1.0.1, 8 years ago 1.92014-Mar-09Binary I/O helper
phlogiston 2.0.2, 8 years ago 1.32016-Jul-28Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) assembler / disassembler.
mysql-d 0.3.3, 8 years ago 1.82014-Jun-17Mysql client C library binding.
protocolbuffer 0.0.0, 8 years ago 1.62016-Jul-21A backend library for the implementation of a ProtocolBuffer compiler.
kontainer 0.0.2, 8 years ago 0.02016-Feb-28Container Collections for D language
clipboard 1.0.0, 8 years ago 0.02016-Jul-15A Clipboard Library
iupd 3.18.3, 8 years ago 0.02016-Jun-22D interface of IUP
lt-web-server 1.0.5, 8 years ago 0.62016-Jun-26Super lightweight static web server using vibe.d
ithoxd-qrcode 1.2.2, 8 years ago 0.62015-Nov-10qrcode writen in dlang.
dlibgit 0.50.6, 8 years ago 2.42013-Feb-27Library for operating on GIT repositories based on libgit2
libpcap-d-bindings 1.1.1, 8 years ago 0.72016-Jun-28Libpcap D bindings
cdd 5.9.0, 8 years ago 0.02016-Jun-28D interface of CD.
imd 3.10.0, 8 years ago 0.02016-Jun-28D interface of IM
feature-test-d 1.0.4, 8 years ago 1.42015-Oct-19A feature test framework for D applications or libraries that builds on unittest and does not need…
rc 0.0.2, 8 years ago 0.82016-Jun-26Reference counting
tagged_union 1.2.0, 8 years ago 0.82015-Jul-09Simple std.variant : Algebraic alternative
nukleard 0.0.2, 8 years ago 0.02016-Jun-23D interface of nukclear
dcl 0.6.0, 8 years ago 0.82016-Jun-23OpenCL wraps
update_name 1.0.1, 8 years ago 0.62016-Jun-18update your twitter name in according to reply
bgfx-d 0.16.0, 8 years ago 0.02016-Jan-24D Bindings to the bgfx C++ API
coverd 1.0.0, 8 years ago 0.52016-Jun-13Code coverage HTML reporter for language D listings
treemap 0.0.1, 8 years ago 1.12016-Jun-12Treemap in D.
midltod-d 0.0.1, 8 years ago 0.42016-Jun-08Tool written in the D Programming Language to convert Microsoft Interface Definition Language file…
modernui 0.0.1, 8 years ago 0.92016-Jun-07A minimal D application.
lxc 1.0.0, 8 years ago 0.72016-Jun-05Deimos Bindings for lxc.
hash 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.32016-Jun-04A Hash datatype for key => value pairs.
marray 1.0.0, 8 years ago 0.72016-Jan-12MultiArray
bobby 0.2.0, 8 years ago 1.22015-Sep-10Simple process and HTTP availability monitor
elfhook 0.2.0, 8 years ago 1.02016-May-27monkey patching for shared object.
vcr 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.62016-May-27Valgrind cleint requests for D.
sharedlib 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.82016-May-27Dynamic linking and loading utilities
darjeeling 0.3.0, 8 years ago 0.52016-May-20A library for functional data types in D.
derelict-libui 0.3.0, 8 years ago 1.22016-May-22A dynamic binding to the libui library.
httpparserd 0.0.1, 8 years ago 0.52016-May-26A minimal D application.
reurl 0.0.2, 8 years ago 1.12016-Feb-17A simple URL parsing library with support for combining URLs, including partial URLs
alsa-lib 1.0.1+, 8 years ago 0.92016-Jan-24Deimos Bindings for ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) library.
judy 1.0.1, 8 years ago 1.02015-Nov-15Judy Arrays - efficient sparse arrays - bindings/wrappers for the D Programming Language
nat-opener 0.2.0, 8 years ago 1.62016-May-21Allows a server to listen on the specified port when behind a router.
d-vulkan 0.3.1, 8 years ago 1.32016-Mar-19Auto-generated D bindings for Vulkan
d-base58 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.52016-May-17ported from java
dotenv 0.1.1, 8 years ago 1.02016-May-12dotenv implementation for D. Simplifies handling environment variables.
dcoincoin 2.4.0, 8 years ago 0.62015-Jan-27A D tribune client
harbored 0.1.1, 8 years ago 1.12016-May-10Documentation generator for D code
draklib 1.0.3, 8 years ago 0.22016-May-01A RakNet networking library for the D language.
objective-gl 0.0.2, 8 years ago 1.52016-Apr-23High-level & thin OpenGL Wrapper/Helper.
ddmd 0.0.7, 8 years ago 1.62015-Jan-04DMD Compiler Frontend
inid 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.22016-May-05A library for parsing config files
tweetnacl 0.0.1, 8 years ago 0.82016-May-03D port of tweetnacl
henhouse 0.0.2, 8 years ago 0.82016-Feb-12Converts your favorite text to a bunch of chickens.
state-machine 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.82016-May-01Turn types into state machines.
backtrace-d 0.1.2, 8 years ago 1.82013-Nov-07Provides a pretty backtrace for D applications running under Linux
smsapi-d-client 0.1.2, 8 years ago 0.32016-Apr-28SMSAPI D Client
dformlib 0.2.2, 8 years ago 0.52016-Jan-28Yet another DFL fork
es6-grammar 0.9.3, 8 years ago 1.52015-Nov-10ECMAScript 6 + JSX PEGGED Grammar
defile 0.0.5, 8 years ago 0.62013-Oct-10A convenience wrapper for the PHYSFS library.
ons-data 0.0.3, 8 years ago 0.62016-Apr-20Template based D-library for handling bidǵ data in table structures
dsfml 2.1.1, 8 years ago 3.42013-Nov-19DSFML binding for SFML-The Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
bgfx-extras-d 0.2.0, 8 years ago 0.02016-Apr-13A binding to the bgfx-extras library for the D Programming Language.
socketrange 1.0.1, 8 years ago 0.82015-Dec-02Minimal range wrapper of socket
handle 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.82016-Apr-17D library for handles
flexiblemarshal 0.0.1, 8 years ago 0.52016-Jun-09A flexible marshaller/demarshaller for D.
jpeg-turbo 1.3.1, 8 years ago 1.42014-Jan-21D bindings to libjpeg-turbo
xmlrpcc-d 0.2.1, 8 years ago 1.12016-Apr-08XML RPC client library for D Programming Language
vrepl 0.0.3, 8 years ago 0.52016-Apr-11A REPL library for interactive commandline apps, used in repl of the Venus Programming Language
pattern 1.0.1, 8 years ago 0.92016-Mar-20Templated types for string pattern matching and lexers.
units-d 0.1.0, 8 years ago 1.42016-Apr-10Units and Quantities of Measurement library for D.
yamkeys 0.1.1, 8 years ago 0.82013-Sep-24A runtime configuration management utility
commander 1.0.3, 8 years ago 0.02015-Oct-25Command-line interfaces in D made easy. Easy command-line parsing based in commander.js.
keyvalues 1.0.2, 8 years ago 0.02016-Apr-03Parser and deserializer for Valve's KeyValues file format
deepmagic 0.1.5, 8 years ago 0.02016-Mar-09D Langage Convenience Libraries.
gelf 0.1.2, 8 years ago 1.02016-Apr-01The Graylog Extended Log Format for std.experimental.logger
zookeeper 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.62016-Mar-31Interface to the zookeeper library
kdtl 0.0.3, 8 years ago 0.82015-Dec-23KAI D Template Library
diopipe 0.0.1, 8 years ago 0.92016-Mar-30A small library for running programs with redirected input and output, written in D.
i3ipc-d 0.0.1, 8 years ago 1.02016-May-28D library for communicating with the i3 window manager
temple 0.7.5, 8 years ago 2.22013-Dec-31Embedded D, Compile Time Template Engine (Vibe.d Compatible)
kdtree 0.1.0, 8 years ago 1.52016-Mar-25A k-dimensional tree implementation for D.
libstemmerd 1.0.1, 8 years ago 0.92016-Mar-23libstemmer binding for d programming language
llvm-d-2 0.2.0, 8 years ago 0.02016-Mar-03D bindings for LLVM (forked from llvm-d)

Displaying results 2011 to 2110 of 2480 packages found.

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