acd-arithmetic 0.0.4
Arithmetic expressions library
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
Arithmetic expression parser
This library is a powerful recursive descent arithmetic expression parser. The precedence is handled via the concept of precedence climbing.
The precedence and associativity are handled for both unary and binary operators.
For binary operators, associativity indicates how operations are group, e.g. a + b + c
gets parsed as ((a + b) + c)
if +
is defined as left associative, and as (a + (b + c))
if +
is right associative.
For unary operators, associativity indicates on which hand side the operator is to be expected.
The parsing is greedy: if an operator can be interpreted as a unary operator, it will.
Also, in case of multicharacter operators, while the longest one will be prioritized, if some longer operator didn't match fully, the smaller one will be selected.
E.g. if the operators /@
and /
have been defined, and the string a / b
is tried, /
will be matched.
- Lexing and parsing of an expression to a syntax tree;
- Evalutation of a parsed expression;
- The symbol table is separated from the syntax tree, which basically makes parsed expressions safe to use in multithreaded contexts, given the threads use a different symbol table.
Unimplemented features:
- Ease of use and full coverage of allocators;
- Syntax tree optimizations;
- Expression compilation to native code;
- Allow multilayered symbol tables with a fallback lookup mechanism, so you don't have to copy the symbols to the new table;
- Better error handling (currently an error handler is used to display errors, but it could be better);
- A configuration mechanism for building the right lexers and parsers.
I won't promise the library is the fastest or the best there is, but it will get the job done for basic applications for sure.
import std.stdio;
import acd.arithmetic;
void main()
// The default operators include the basic arithmetic operators.
OperatorGroup[] operatorGroups = createDefaultOperatorGroups();
auto expressionTree = parseExpression("x + y ^ 2 * sin(x)", operatorGroups);
if (expressionTree.thereHaveBeenErrors || expressionTree.root is null)
writeln("Error parsing expression");
// Prints the expression back in text form.
// The default symbol table includes trig functions, the constants pi and e,
// and some common math functions.
SymbolTable!double symbolTable = createDefaultSymbolTable();
// You can add your own values for the variables or constants.
// You can also add your own functions.
.set("square").functions!(x => x ^^ 2);
double result = eval(symbolTable, expressionTree.root);
// Can change values
double result = eval(symbolTable, expressionTree.root);
// Can reuse the symbol table for other expressions
expressionTree = parseExpression("x * cos(y)", operatorGroups);
if (expressionTree.thereHaveBeenErrors || expressionTree.root is null)
writeln("Error parsing expression");
double result = eval(symbolTable, expressionTree.root);
import std.stdio;
import acd.arithmetic;
void main()
OperatorGroup[] operatorGroups =
.add(OperatorArity.unary, OperatorAssociativity.right, 2)
.add(OperatorArity.unary, OperatorAssociativity.right, 3)
.add(OperatorArity.unary, OperatorAssociativity.left, 3)
.add(OperatorArity.unary, OperatorAssociativity.left, 4)
auto expressionTree = parseExpression("-~-~Variable!$!$", operatorGroups);
if (expressionTree.thereHaveBeenErrors || expressionTree.root is null)
writeln("Error parsing expression");
operator: -
operator: ~
operator: -
operator: $
operator: !
operator: $
operator: !
operator: ~
identifier: Variable
- Registered by Anton Curmanschii
- 0.0.4 released 3 years ago
- AntonC9018/acd.arithmetic
- Copyright © 2022, Anton
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- emsi_containers
- Versions:
0.0.4 2022-Dec-07 0.0.3 2022-Nov-05 0.0.2 2022-Oct-30 ~master 2022-Dec-07 - Download Stats:
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25 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.3
- Short URL: