dash ~develop

A free and open 3D game engine written in D.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Dash Logo

Build Status Docs Gitter Chat Release

If you're reading this page, chances are you fall into one of the following categories:

I am a game developer interested in making games with Dash:

Our documentation page has all the info you could ever want for building a game with Dash. Pro tip: you'll want to read up on YAML and D before getting started.

I am an engine developer looking to contribute to Dash:

Great! We'd love to have your support/input/code. Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for a guide on how to get started.

I have no idea what this is, I just want to see it running:

The easiest way to get Dash running (on Windows) is to head over to our Releases page and download the most recent dash-game.zip, and double clicking on Dash Game. On Linux, you'll want to check out the simple instructions at Setting up Your Environment page.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you, feel free to get in touch using gitter (our public chat room) or email us at dash [at] circularstudios [dot] com. We'll do our best to have the appropriate team member respond as quickly as we can.

  • Colden Cullen
  • Brandon Littell
  • Eric Christenson
  • Tyler Wozniak
  • Sean Brennan
  • Timothy Reynolds
  • Dan Wild
  • Jim Arnold
  • Derin Yarsuvat
gl3n, logger, colorize, derelict-gl3, vibe-d, msgpack-d, x11, gfm:sdl2, derelict-assimp3, tharsis-prof, derelict-fi, dyaml
0.12.0-beta2 2014-Dec-19
0.12.0-beta1 2014-Dec-15
0.11.1 2014-Nov-19
0.11.0 2014-Nov-15
0.11.0-beta9 2014-Nov-14
Show all 76 versions
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