flyweightbyid 0.2.1
Flyweight template based on explicitly named ids compatible with betterC
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
A -betterC
compatible Flyweight template based on explicitly named ids for D.
It is available as a DUB package and may be used directly as a Meson subproject or wrap.
Maintains two thread local or global arrays, one for identified objects, so that only one instance for each ID is loaded at a time, and another for reference counts or boolean loaded flags. Uses automatic reference counting via copy constructor/postblit and destructor by default, but has an option for manually unloading.
Loading and unloading of instances is fully customizable by passing the right callables to template.
As a special case, one may supply a single id to Flyweight and achieve a Singleton pattern.
Usage examples
import flyweightbyid;
// Flyweight for instances of `Image*`, loaded by `loadImage` and unloaded by `unloadImage`
// IDs and getter names are taken from `imageFileNames` slice
alias ImageFlyweight = Flyweight!(
/+, FlyweightOptions.none /+ (the default) +/ +/
// Some file names that should be loaded only once
enum imageFileNames = [
// Image struct, with a pointer to the data, dimensions, member functions, etc...
struct Image {
void draw() const
// ...
// ...
import std.stdio : writeln;
writeln("bye bye");
// Function that loads an Image from file
Image* loadImage(uint id)
auto filename = imageFileNames[id];
Image* img = new Image;
// ...
return img;
// Function to unload the images
void unloadImage(ref Image* img)
// ...
void example()
// Flyweight identified by `ID.img1_png` is constructed by calling `loadImage(0)`
// Notice how invalid identifier characters are replaced by underscores
ImageFlyweight image1 = ImageFlyweight.get(ImageFlyweight.ID.img1_png);
// `img1_png` is an alias for getting the "img1.png" instance,
// `subdir_img2_png` for "subdir/img2.png" and so on
auto also_image1 = ImageFlyweight.img1_png;
// `also_image1` contains the same instance as `image1`, as it is already loaded
assert(also_image1 is image1);
// `ID.subdir_img2_png` is constructed by `loadImage(1)`
ImageFlyweight image2 = ImageFlyweight.subdir_img2_png;
// ImageFlyweight instance is a proxy (by means of `alias this`)
// for the loaded `Image*` instance, so member functions, fields and
// others work like expected
// If `FlyweightOptions.noReferenceCount` is NOT passed to template (default),
// references are automatically counted and content is unloaded if reference
// count reaches 0. Pass them by value for automatic reference counting
ImageFlyweight also_image2 = image2;
// subdir_img2_png gets unloaded
// It is possible to manually unload one or all instances, be careful to not access them afterwards!
// It is safe to call unload more than once, so when `image1` and `also_image1`
// are destroyed, nothing happens
import flyweightbyid;
// Config singleton, using global storage and not reference counted
alias ConfigSingleton = Flyweight!(
FlyweightOptions.gshared | FlyweightOptions.noReferenceCount
// Configuration structure
struct Config
// ...
Config* loadConfig(uint)
return new Config;
void unloadConfig(ref Config* c)
void example2()
// Get Config instance
auto config = ConfigSingleton.instance;
auto also_config = ConfigSingleton.get(ConfigSingleton.ID.instance);
assert(also_config is config);
// ConfigSingleton is not reference counted, so it is still loaded
- Registered by Gil Barbosa Reis
- 0.2.1 released 4 years ago
- gilzoide/flyweightbyid
- public license
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
0.2.1 2021-Jan-25 0.2.0 2021-Jan-23 0.1.0 2020-Dec-24 ~main 2021-Jan-25 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
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18 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.6
- Short URL: