godot-dlang 0.1.0

D bindings for godot

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

godot-dlang:generator - Godot API binder for use with godot-dlang

godot-dlang:classfinder - A utility for scanning D files to find classes

godot-dlang:pregenerate - Command creates Godot entry point mixin automatically

DLang Logo


D language bindings for the Godot Engine's GDNative Extensions API.

Originally a fork of godot-d

WIP: These bindings are still under development. Until v1.0.0, expect breaking changes, bugs, and missing documentation. Please report any issues and confusing or undocumented features on the GitHub page.



Before you start please keep in mind that this is purely experimental unstable volatile WIP project not officially maintained (or maintained at all) intented for those brave people who would like to try D and Godot.

In no situation do not use it to ship your product, doing so of course is possible but by no means the author is responsible for the consequences.

In order to proceed you will need D compiler (dmd or ldc2) with dub, git, and godot editor beta4 (x64 version assumed)

Manually building

  • clone git repo git clone https://github.com/godot-dlang/godot-dlang.git
  • switch it to master branch git checkout master
  • add local package dub add-local ., or if you have package from dub dub add-override godot-dlang ~master .
  • you should see that dub package version "~master" is registered

Note that if you have strange errors in dub run you might have godot-dlang cached in dub, you might need to remove it by using dub remove godot-dlang Also note that dub add-local might sometimes not works and throws Non-optional dependency not found error (dlang/dub#986). In that case do dub remove-local . in "godot-dlang" folder and then dub add-path . instead.

Using dub

  • run dub fetch godot-dlang

Binding API

  • download godot beta4 editor and place it in somewhere like C:\godot
  • step into that directory and open terminal
  • generate script API information with command godot.exe --dump-extension-api
  • run binding generator (-j tells where to look for script api and -o tells to overwrite any existing bindings) dub run godot-dlang:api-binding-generator -- -j extension_api.json -o

This step is one time process, though you would need to re-generate API and bindings for every godot release

Creating godot project

  • open godot editor, and create a new project in some known location like C:\godot\mycoolgame
  • open it now and let godot do initial loading

Creating dub project

  • open your newly created project in terminal
  • run dub init, make sure to give it a name for example mydplugin
  • add godot-dlang master dependency dub add godot-dlang@~master
  • if you use ldc2 as compiler, then add "dflags-windows-ldc": ["-link-defaultlib-shared=false"] to your dub.json
  • open up dub.json and add "targetType": "dynamicLibrary", after authors field your dub.json file should look like this now:


	"authors": [
	"targetType": "dynamicLibrary",
    "dflags-windows-ldc": ["-link-defaultlib-shared=false"],
	"copyright": "Copyright © 2022, Godot-DLang",
	"dependencies": {
		"godot-dlang": "~master",
	"description": "A minimal D application.",
	"license": "proprietary",
	"name": "mydplugin"
  • do a test build dub build, you might see some warnings but that's ok

Creating your first D script

  • rename source/app.d file into something like source/greeter.d
  • open source/greeter.d in your favorite text/code editor and add following content:


import godot;
// import godot.api.script; // for GodotScript!
// import godot.api.register; // for GodotNativeLibrary
// import godot.string; // for gs!

import godot.node;

// minimal class example with _ready method that will be invoked on creation
class Greeter : GodotScript!Node {
	// this method is a special godot entry point when object is added to the scene
    void _ready() {
		print(gs!"Hello from D");

// register classes, initialize and terminate D runtime, only one per plugin
mixin GodotNativeLibrary!(
	// this is a name prefix of the plugin to be acessible inside godot
	// it must match the prefix in .gdextension file:
	//     entry_symbol = "mydplugin_gdextension_entry"

	// here goes the list of classes you would like to expose in godot
  • build plugin again dub build, in some rare cases you might do a full rebuild by adding --force switch, build should be ok

You would need to build your plugin every time you have modified the code in order to see changes

Currently AFAIK there is no way to unload/reload GDNativeExtension, because of that on Windows it will prevent rebuilding plugin until you close the editor!

Register GDNativeExtension

  • Currently there is no UI for that AFAIK, so lets do that manually
  • create a file in your godot project root called mydplugin.gdextension and fill with following content:



entry_symbol = "mydplugin_gdextension_entry"


linux.64 = "libmydplugin.so"
windows.64 = "mydplugin.dll"

Note that entry_symbol should match class registration in D inside of GodotNativeLibrary declaration

Use D scripts in godot

  • If you still have godot editor open reload project by using main menu Project->Reload Current Project
  • In editor now create an empty 3D Node scene
  • Select root object and attach new Node entity, navigate and pick Greeter class
  • As soon as it gets added to the scene you should see Hello message in log in the panel below.


Extend as you wish!

  • remember that there still might be some bugs, sometimes confusing, sometimes blocking your progress, and sometimes even missing features

Enjoy your new game!

Godot API

Godot's full script API can be used from D:

  • godot submodules contain container, math, and engine structs like Vector3 and String.
  • Other submodules of godot contain bindings to Godot classes, auto-generated from the engine's API. These are the C++ classes scripts can be attached to.
  • These bindings use camelCase instead of snake_case.

Change window to fullscreen example:

  # GDScript

Would be:

  // D
  • D code should use D naming conventions (PascalCase for classes, camelCase for properties and methods).


The GDNative API is binary-compatible between Godot versions, so a D library can be used with a Godot build older or newer than the one used to generate the bindings. D bindings must still be generated with the most recent GDNative API (godot.exe --dump-extension-api) even if an older Godot binary will be used.

Extension version properties can be checked to prevent newer functions from being called with older Godot binaries. For example:

if(GDNativeVersion.hasNativescript!(1, 1)) useNewNativescriptFunctions();
else doNothing();

A D library can also specify minimum required extensions using a compiler flag or the versions property in their DUB project. The format of the version flag is GDNativeRequire<Extension name or "Core">_<major version>_<minor version>. For example, with "versions": [ "GDNativeRequireNativescript_1_1" ] in dub.json, runtime checks and non-1.1 code such as the example above can be safely optimized out in both library code and binding-internal code.


MIT - https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

GitHub repository - https://github.com/godot-dlang/godot-dlang C++ bindings these are based on - https://github.com/godotengine/godot-cpp D bindings these are based on - https://github.com/godot-d/godot-d GDNative repository - https://github.com/godotengine/godot-headers

Godot Engine - https://godotengine.org D programming language - https://dlang.org

  • godot-dlang
Sub packages:
godot-dlang:tools, godot-dlang:generator, godot-dlang:classfinder, godot-dlang:pregenerate
godot-dlang:tools, sumtype, utf_bc
0.6.0 2023-Dec-29
0.5.0 2023-Nov-08
0.4.0 2023-Oct-25
0.3.0 2023-Mar-31
0.2.0 2023-Feb-23
Show all 9 versions
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