hipreme_engine 1.0.14

Open-Source D Game Engine

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

hipreme_engine:build_selector - The main way to build your game using Hipreme Engine. It can generate projects and select to build to any of the supported platforms

<p align="center"> <img src="engine_logo.svg" width="300"/> </p>

<h1 align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/MrcSnm/HipremeEngine/wiki/Getting-Started">Getting Started</a> </h1>

The engine maintains some global options which you can modify it on source/global/opts.d:

  • HE_DEBUG -> Use that for creating a debug version for the engine only
  • HENOLOG -> Disable the global logging functions
  • HEERRONLY -> Maintain only error logging

Current features

  • Input handler and text input with selected keyboard layout;
  • Xbox One/Series Gamepad implementation;
  • Minimal Matrix/Vector implementation;
  • Asset packing, appending, updating and reading for faster performance(less IO);
  • Multi threaded asset loading and decoding (image).


Almost all of those platforms can be built by using the build_selector project.

If you have D installed already, the buildselector can be got by running `dub run hipremeengine:build_selector`

If not, you may go to the BuildAssets page and select your system. Both the language and engine will be installed locally by using them.

Build System Showcase

Example on build selector running and showing the build system

Requires libgl1-mesa-dev for opening X11 window and OpenGL


  1. Simple build system
  2. Virtual File System
  3. Centralized asset locator with caching
  4. File reading with progress notification


  • Metal 2.4
  • Direct X 11
  • OpenGL 3
  • OpenGL ES 3
  • OpenGL ES 2
  • WebGL 1.0 (OpenGL ES 2 emulated)
  • HipRenderer (abstraction)


  1. Sprite
  2. SpriteBatch
  3. GeometryBatch
  4. FrameBuffer
  5. BitmapText
  6. Shader
  7. Material
  8. Tiled maps


  • AVudioEngine
  • OpenSL ES
  • OpenAL
  • XAudio2
  • WebAudio
  • HipAudio (abstraction)


  1. Streaming
  2. 3D audio
  3. Low Latency on Android -> See flags at config/opts.d HIP_OPENSLES_OPTIMAL and HIP_OPENSLES_FAST_MIXER


  • Images: PNG, JPG, BMP, TIFF and maybe others via arsd-official:image_files
  • Audio: MP3, OGG, WAV, FLAC via audioformats
  • Tiled: TSX and TSJ parser
  • TextureAtlas: JSON, ATLAS, XML and TXT(Spritesheet) parser
  • Font: FNT, TTF, OTF
  • Pack: HapFile(Hipreme Asset Packing File)
  • Settings: INI/CONF, JSON (HipremeEngine own's implementation that simulates std.json but faster) and CSV


  • Scripting:
  1. D ( check api module for reference )
  • Filewatcher for recompiling the script
  • WebAssembly server reloader
  • Live reload ( no engine restart for coding )

    State is not saved, it is a simple restart, but all the assets are also cached, so, it is still way faster than reopening.

  1. Lua (outdated)
  • May be subject to removal

Next steps

  • GLSL to HLSL transpiler
  • Multi threaded audio decoding (currently only single threaded is supported)
  • Create a proof of concept

Issues list

  • You can't spawn an Object from within an interface without calling hipSaveRef or GC.addRoot. This is a bug on DLL implementation which doesn't actually add the new object spawned from an interface as a leaf.
  • Hipreme
Sub packages:
util, config, audio, console, hipengine_api, filesystem, bind, timer, renderer, tween, math, assets, error
1.0.14 2023-Dec-23
1.0.13 2023-Dec-23
1.0.12 2023-Dec-23
1.0.11 2023-Dec-23
1.0.10 2023-Dec-22
Show all 18 versions
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