ponies 0.0.6
Helps you to setup nice projects.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
- Ponies [[https://github.com/gizmomogwai/ponies][https://img.shields.io/github/tag/gizmomogwai/ponies.svg?style=flat-square]] [[https://travis-ci.org/gizmomogwai/ponies][https://img.shields.io/travis/gizmomogwai/ponies/master.svg?style=flat-square]] [[https://codecov.io/gh/gizmomogwai/ponies][https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/gizmomogwai/ponies/master.svg?style=flat-square]] [[https://gizmomogwai.github.io/ponies][https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/pip.svg?style=flat-square]] [[http://code.dlang.org/packages/ponies][https://img.shields.io/dub/v/ponies.svg?style=flat-square]] [[http://code.dlang.org/packages/ponies][https://img.shields.io/dub/l/ponies.svg?style=flat-square]] [[http://code.dlang.org/packages/ponies][https://img.shields.io/dub/dw/ponies.svg?style=flat-square]]
Speedup your project setup with some horsepower's.
Each setup step is done by a pony (a small horse that should only be responsible for one thing).
** Running ~dub -q run ponies -- --help~ or compile for yourself with ~dub build~.
** WARNING Ponies will trample over your source. Ponies will create git commits before and after changing files. Just in case be sure to have a backup.
** Long story Each pony tries to enhance your project in a specific way. There is e.g. a source code formatter pony, ponies that add Travis-Ci or gh-pages badges to your readme, and so on. Before a pony makes a change it will make a git commit, if it did the change, it will make another one. With this you should never loose data by reckless ponies.
** Walk-through tutorial Please run ~git clone [email protected]:gizmomogwai/ponies-helloworld.git~ and cd to ponies-helloworld. #+BEGIN_SRC
dub -q run ponies -- --help
long short description allowed values
--help -h show general help Accept one from ["true", "false"]
--verbose -v enable verbose logging Accept one from ["true", "false"]
Lets look at the version subcommand. #+BEGIN_SRC
dub -q run ponies -- version
androidlogger 0.0.9 MIT
asciitable 0.0.3 MIT
colored v0.0.13-3-g4b84611 MIT
packageversion 0.0.17 MIT
ponies v0.0.3-33-g19dbfb9-dirty MIT
Try to do some system analytics to see that all dependencies have been properly installed. #+BEGIN_SRC
dub -q run ponies -- doctor
... #+ENDSRC Depending on your system you may see a lot of things here. In general you should have git installed, work in a git repository have your dfmt in place. Also the ponies like to have a readme.org file along with dub.sdl. Try to fix all this, by creating Lets see what ponies there are: #+BEGINSRC
dub -q run ponies -- list
readyToRun ponies:
class description applicable status
Because we work in an empty folder, no pony thinks it can do anything useful. Let's see what ponies are included: #+BEGIN_SRC
dub -q run ponies -- list --set=all
all ponies:
class description applicable status
ponies.dlang.DDoxPony Setup ddox in dub.sdl false ----
ponies.dlang.AuthorsPony Setup correct authors line in all .d files (taken from git log) false ----
ponies.dlang.GeneratePackageDependenciesPony Generate dependency diagrams. false ----
ponies.dlang.LicenseCommentPony Setup license headers in .d files (taken from dub.sdl) false ----
ponies.dlang.CopyrightCommentPony Setup copyright headers in .d files (taken from dub.sdl) false ----
ponies.dlang.travis.LanguageTravisDlangPony Setup travis to work with language d false ----
ponies.dlang.travis.CompilerTravisDlangPony Setup dmd and ldc as compilers false ----
ponies.dlang.travis.NoSudoTravisDlangPony Setup travis to not run as sudo false ----
ponies.dlang.travis.GhPagesTravisDlangPony Setup travis to autodeploy ddox to ghpages false ----
ponies.GithubShieldPony Setup a link to github in readme.org false ----
ponies.TravisCiShieldPony Setup a travis ci shield in readme.org false ----
ponies.CodecovShieldPony Setup a link to codecov in readme.org false ----
ponies.GithubPagesShieldPony Setup a documentation shield in readme.org false ----
ponies.MelpaShieldPony Setup a melpa shield in readme.org false ----
ponies.dlang.AddPackageVersionPony Add automatic generation of package version to dub.sdl false ----
ponies.dlang.FormatSourcesPony Formats sources with dfmt false ----
Let's add an readme.org file:
touch readme.org git add readme.org git commit -m "Add readme.org" dub run -q ponies -- list
readyToRun ponies:
class description applicable status
ponies.GithubShieldPony Setup a link to github in readme.org true todo
ponies.TravisCiShieldPony Setup a travis ci shield in readme.org true todo
ponies.CodecovShieldPony Setup a link to codecov in readme.org true todo
ponies.GithubPagesShieldPony Setup a documentation shield in readme.org true todo
This looks better. Lets run only the GithubShieldPony #+BEGIN_SRC
dub run -q ponies -- run --set='.GithubShield.' git log -1 -p
... +[[https://github.com/gizmomogwai/ponies-helloworld][https://img.shields.io/github/tag/gizmomogwai/ponies-helloworld.svg?style=flat-square]] #+END_SRC This shows that you now have a commit in git, that adds a badge to your readme.
Listing the ponies again shows #+BEGIN_SRC
dub run -q ponies -- list
readyToRun ponies:
class description applicable status
ponies.GithubShieldPony Setup a link to github in readme.org true done
ponies.TravisCiShieldPony Setup a travis ci shield in readme.org true todo
ponies.CodecovShieldPony Setup a link to codecov in readme.org true todo
ponies.GithubPagesShieldPony Setup a documentation shield in readme.org true todo
#+END_SRC Shows, that GithubShield is already applied.
Running ~dub run -q ponies -- run~ applies all ponies, that are applicable and not yet done. Beware, that some ponies always run, because they cannot check beforehand in a cheap way, if there is something todo or not.
- Registered by Christian Köstlin
- 0.0.6 released 6 years ago
- gizmomogwai/ponies
- Copyright © 2018, Christian Köstlin
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- colored, packageversion, dyaml, androidlogger, asciitable
- Versions:
0.0.6 2019-Feb-26 0.0.5 2018-Nov-12 0.0.4 2018-May-02 0.0.3 2018-Jan-25 0.0.2 2018-Jan-21 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
0 downloads this month
21 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.2
- Short URL:
- ponies.dub.pm