telega 0.0.7

Telegram Bot API implementation

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Telegram bot API implementation.

Build Status

Implemented features


setWebhook, deleteWebhook, getWebhookInfo, getUpdates, getMe, sendMessage, forwardMessage, sendPhoto, sendAudio sendDocument, sendVideo, sendVoice, sendVideoNote, sendMediaGroup, sendLocation, editMessageLiveLocation, stopMessageLiveLocation, sendVenue, sendContact, sendChatAction, getUserProfilePhotos, getFile, kickChatMember, unbanChatMember, restrictChatMember, promoteChatMember, exportChatInviteLink, setChatPhoto, deleteChatPhoto, setChatTitle, setChatDescription, pinChatMessage, unpinChatMessage, leaveChat, getChat, getChatAdministrators, getChatMembersCount, getChatMember, setChatStickerSet, deleteChatStickerSet, answerCallbackQuery, editMessageText, editMessageCaption, editMessageReplyMarkup, deleteMessage, sendSticker, getStickerSet, uploadStickerFile, createNewStickerSet, addStickerToSet, setStickerPositionInSet, deleteStickerFromSet

TBD additional: sending files, inline mode, payments, games, webhook mode


Webhook, Update, User, Chat, Message, PhotoSize, MessageEntity, Audio, Document, Video, Voice, VideoNote, Contact, Location, Venue, UserProfilePhotos, File, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, KeyboardButton, ReplyKeyboardRemove, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, CallbackQuery, ForceReply, ChatPhoto, ChatMember, ResponseParameters, InputMedia, InputMediaPhoto, InputMediaVideo, InputFile, ChosenInlineResult Sticker, StickerSet, MaskPosition InlineQuery, all InlineQueryResult* types, all InputMessageContent types

  • Pavel Chebotarev
vibe-core, asdf
0.2.1 2024-Jan-07
0.2.0 2020-Dec-05
0.1.2 2020-Jul-01
0.1.1 2020-Jun-21
0.1.0 2020-Jun-20
Show all 18 versions
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