unecht ~master

Game Engine Framework for the D programming language.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

unecht Stories in Ready Build Status Docs

Game Engine Framework written in #dlang

menus dragdrop openassimp enet based networking


  • editor mode to inspect scene at runtime
  • component based design (think unity3d)
  • integrated physics engine (ODE)


  • opengl 3.3 (core profile) compatible graphics/drivers
  • glfw library (link)
  • ODE physics library (link)
  • freeimage library (link)
  • frame profiling: despiker binary right besides engine binary (guide)
  • cimgui library (link)
  • steamworks library (link) (optionally enabled using EnableSteam version)
  • openassimp library (link) (just in a sample for now)
  • fmod library (link) (just in a sample for now)
  • enet library (link) (just in a sample for now)
  • SDLang as a serialization format (https://sdlang.org/)
  • Stephan Dilly
gl3n, derelict-steamworks, derelict-ode, derelict-imgui, derelict-gl3, sdlang-d, derelict-glfw3, derelict-util, tharsis-prof, derelict-fi
0.1.0 2015-Apr-15
~master 2017-Jun-11
~imgbot 2021-May-28
~feature/subpackage 2015-Jun-22
Show all 4 versions
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