vest-dini ~master

Dlang ini-configs

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Dlang ini-configs

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D ini-configs parser

May read ini-configs content from string and form file. Support multiply adding content as well.


import std.stdio  : writeln, writefln, File;
import iniconfigs : IniConfigs, IniConfigsException;

void main()
    string ini = `
        value1 = 1 ; value1 comment  
        value2 =  hello world ; value2 comment

        value3 = 3.1415 ; value3 comment

        ;value4 comment
        value4 = 3.14159263358979361680130282241663053355296142399311

        value5 = Some text with spaces           
        value6 = " Some text with spaces      "     

        boolval1 = on
        boolval2 = 1
        boolval3 = true

        boolval4 = off
        boolval5 = 0
        boolval6 = false
        boolval7 = any else

    IniConfigs cfg;

    writeln("Is ini configs empty? ", cfg.empty()); // true
    writeln("Ini entries number:  ",  cfg.size());  // 0

    try {
        cfg = ini;
    } catch (IniConfigsException e) {

    writeln("Is ini configs empty? ", cfg.empty()); // false
    writeln("Ini entries number:  ",  cfg.size());  // 13

        value7 = 15
        value8 =  -15        
    writeln("Ini entries number:  ",  cfg.size()); // 15

    // You may add file:
    // cfg.add(File("test1.ini"));

    // You can extract value as is or specify default value
    writeln( cfg.get!float("value3",) );   // 3.1415
    writeln( cfg.get!float("value3+",) );  // float.nan <- default

    writeln( cfg.get("value3",  2.71828) ); // 3.1415
    writeln( cfg.get("value3+", 2.71828) ); // 2.71828 <- default

    // Extract integers:
    writeln( " 15 (ubyte)  == ", cfg.get!ubyte  ("value7") );
    writeln( " 15 (ushort) == ", cfg.get!ushort ("value7") );
    writeln( " 15 (uint)   == ", cfg.get!uint   ("value7") );
    writeln( " 15 (ulong)  == ", cfg.get!ulong  ("value7") );

    writeln( " -15 (byte)   == ", cfg.get!byte   ("value8") );
    writeln( " -15 (int)    == ", cfg.get!int    ("value8") );
    writeln( " -15 (short)  == ", cfg.get!short  ("value8") );
    writeln( " -15 (long)   == ", cfg.get!long   ("value8") );

    // Extract Floats:
    writefln("value3 : %.5f", cfg.get!float  ("value3") );
    writefln("value3 : %.5f", cfg.get!double ("value3") );
    writefln("value3 : %.5f", cfg.get!real   ("value3") );

    // Extract string:
    // Ini: `value5 = Some text with spaces`
    writeln( cfg.get!string("value5") ); // "Some text with spaces"
    // Ini: `value6 = " Some text with spaces      "`
    writeln( cfg.get!string("value6") ); // " Some text with spaces      "

    // Ini: `boolval1 = on`
    writeln( cfg.get("boolval1", false) );   // true

    // Ini: `boolval2 = 1`
    writeln( cfg.get("boolval2", false) );   // true

    // Ini: `boolval3 = true`
    writeln( cfg.get("boolval3", false) );   // true

    // Ini: `boolval4 = off`
    writeln( cfg.get("boolval4", true) );    // false

    // Ini: `boolval5 = 0`
    writeln( cfg.get("boolval5", true) );    // false

    // Ini: `boolval6 = false`
    writeln( cfg.get("boolval6", true) );    // false

    // Ini: `boolval7 = any else`
    writeln( cfg.get("boolval7", true) );    // false

How to extend

You can extend on your custom types

If your castom type is constructable or assignable with IniValue.

Or you can use wrapper type to indirectly extend.

import std.stdio  : writeln, writefln, File;
import iniconfigs : IniConfigs, IniConfigsException;
import iniconfigs : IniValue;
import std.conv   : to;

void main()
    IniConfigs cfg = "value1 = 1";

    // Constructable with IniValue
    static struct A1 {
        int a = 5;
        this(IniValue v) {
            this.a =!int;
    // Assignable with IniValue
    static struct A2 {
        int a = 7;
        void opAssign(IniValue v) {
            this.a =!int;

    writeln('[', cfg.get!A1("value1"),       ']'); // [A1(1)]
    writeln('[', cfg.get!A1("value1+"),      ']'); // [A1(5)]  <- default
    writeln('[', cfg.get("value1", A1(55)),  ']'); // [A1(1)]
    writeln('[', cfg.get("value1+", A1(55)), ']'); // [A1(55)] <- default

    writeln('[', cfg.get!A2("value1"),       ']'); // [A2(1)]
    writeln('[', cfg.get!A2("value1+"),      ']'); // [A2(7)]  <- default
    writeln('[', cfg.get("value1", A2(33)),  ']'); // [A2(1)]
    writeln('[', cfg.get("value1+", A2(33)), ']'); // [A2(33)] <- default

    // Indirectly extend:

    // Suppose you can't make the structure C assignable or constructable with IniValue.
    static struct C {
        int a = 5;
    // In this case, you can write a wrapper. As shown below.
    static struct D {
        int a;
        this(IniValue v) {
            this.a =!int;
        this(C c) {
            this.a = c.a;
        C castToC() const {
            return C(this.a);
        alias castToC this;
    static struct E {
        int a;
        this(IniValue v) {
            this.a =!int;
        C castToC() const {
            return C(this.a);
        alias castToC this;

    C c1 = cfg.get!D("value1");
    C c2 = cfg.get!E("value1");
    C c3 = cfg.get("value1+", cast(D) C(3));

    writeln('[', c1, ']'); // [C(1)]
    writeln('[', c2, ']'); // [C(1)]
    writeln('[', c3, ']'); // [C(3)]

see example

The MIT License

  • Valmat
0.0.3 2022-Oct-24
0.0.2 2021-Nov-18
~master 2022-Oct-24
~dev 2022-Oct-24
Show all 4 versions
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