yamlserialized ~master

YAML serialization library for dyaml. Easily serialize/deserialize structs to/from YAML.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Build Status

YAML serialization library for D:YAML. Easily serialize/deserialize structs and classes to/from YAML nodes.

How to use

import yamlserialized : deserializeInto, toYAMLNode, YamlField;

struct MyStruct {
  int intField;
  string stringField;
  string renamedField;

MyStruct st;

st.intField = 42;
st.stringField = "Don't panic.";
st.renamedField = "Don't panic but in snake case."

// Serialize the struct to a D:YAML Node
auto node = st.toYAMLNode();

// Create a new empty struct
MyStruct st2;

// Deserialize the node into it
  • Kjartan F. Kvamme
dyaml, dunit
0.5.0 2019-Dec-27
0.4.0 2019-Mar-12
0.3.0 2017-Aug-02
0.2.0 2016-Dec-10
0.1.1 2016-Dec-10
Show all 7 versions
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