Search results for: Mir,

PackageLatest versionDateScoreDescription
mir-algorithm 3.22.3 2024-Dec-174.9Dlang Core Library
mir-random 2.2.20 2024-Dec-174.8Dlang Random Number Generators
mir-ion 2.3.3 2024-Dec-173.7Fast, Expressive, and Easy to use Ion, JSON, YAML, CSV, and Msgpack Serialization Library with SIM…
mir-core 1.7.1 2024-Apr-104.7Base software building blocks: Algebraic types (aka sumtype/tagged union/variant), universal refle…
mir-linux-kernel 1.2.1 2021-Oct-224.6Linux system call numbers for different architectures
mir-lapack 1.2.12 2023-Dec-194.5ndslice wrapper for LAPACK
mir-cpuid 1.2.11 2023-Jul-194.4CPU Characteristics Identification
mir-blas 1.1.17 2023-Mar-164.3ndslice wrapper for BLAS
mir 3.2.3 2022-Jun-052.9LLVM-accelerated Generic Numerical Library for Science and Machine Learning
numir 2.0.6 2020-Sep-021.9numpy-like API wrappers of mir
mir-glas 0.2.4 2018-Jan-292.4Generic Linear Algebra Subprograms
grain 0.1.1 2019-Apr-282.2autograd and dynamic neural networks library for D
mir-runtime 0.0.26 2019-Nov-072.0Dlang @nogc runtime infrastructure for simple, slim, and fast code.
mir-optim 2.0.6 2025-Jan-201.9Optimisation Framework
mir-bloomberg 1.1.2 2022-Oct-061.3Mir connector to Bloomberg private API
mir-excel 0.0.4 2023-Jan-260.9A reader for Excel files with mir-ion (de)serialization support
mir-stat 0.3.1 2023-Oct-181.6Dlang Statistical Package
mir-pybuffer 0.2.0 2018-Sep-101.0mir-numpy connection example
matplotd 0.0.1 2016-Aug-101.3Plot charts with Matplotlib
mir-integral 1.0.6 2021-Dec-301.2Integration routines
mir-pybind 0.0.3 2019-Jul-310.8mir and python connection library
mir-toml 0.1.1 2022-Nov-300.8a mir-ion (de)serialization frontend for TOML files
mir-yaml 1.0.0 2021-Jul-060.6YAML parser and emitter with Mir serialisation engine support

Found 23 packages.