Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
post-rock 1.0.1, 10 years ago 0.22014-Feb-04A command-line argument parser.
d-beard 2.0.0, 10 years ago 0.82014-Feb-04A meta-programming library for D.
graphite 1.6.0, 9 years ago 1.22014-Feb-01Matrix, Graphic, Twitter Library for D.
linenoise 1.1.0+1.0.0, 6 years ago 0.82014-Jan-28A small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit.
libdxmpp 0.1.0, 10 years ago 0.72014-Jan-22A XMPP client library for D
jpeg-turbo 1.3.1, 8 years ago 1.42014-Jan-21D bindings to libjpeg-turbo
dstep 1.0.4, a year ago 2.32014-Jan-21A tool for translating C and Objective-C headers to D modules
dstack 0.0.5, 8 years ago 1.02014-Jan-21An application library for the D programming language
mambo 0.0.11, 5 years ago 1.12014-Jan-21A utility library for the D programming language
ctini 0.2.1, 10 years ago 1.12014-Jan-21A compile-time and run-time INI parser.
three-d ~master, 9 years ago 1.42014-Jan-20A high performance 3D Graphics Engine.
derelict_extras-opencl 1.2.1, 10 years ago 0.52014-Jan-19A dynamic binding to the OpenCL library.
pyd 0.14.4, a year ago 4.72014-Jan-17Pyd is a library for the D programming language that wraps the raw Python/C API with a cleaner, si…
derelict_extras-escapi ~master, 8 years ago 0.72014-Jan-16A dynamic binding to the escapi library.
ddmp 0.0.1-0.dev.3, 7 years ago 3.52014-Jan-14D port of the diff-match-patch library
d2sqlite3 1.0.0, 3 years ago 4.52014-Jan-13A thin wrapper around SQLite 3
dmocks-revived ~master, 5 years ago 1.62014-Jan-12A mocking framework for the D programming language
x11 1.0.21, 6 years ago 4.22014-Jan-09Bindings to X11 for the D programming language
tcltk 8.6.5, 9 years ago 1.12014-Jan-09Bindings to Tcl/Tk for the D programming language
pubsub-d ~master, 10 years ago 1.12014-Jan-09Publish/Subscribe implementation for D
dil ~master, 9 years ago 2.22014-Jan-06A compiler for D written in D.
test_repos 0.0.7, 10 years ago 0.32014-Jan-04Test repository.
cookbook ~master, a year ago 0.52014-Jan-03A port of cookbook-hs to D.
process-stats ~master, 10 years ago 0.72014-Jan-03Functionality for gathering statistics about subprocesses.
quantities 0.11.0, 4 years ago 2.02014-Jan-02A library to work with quantities and units
pc ~default, 10 years ago 0.02013-Dec-31Precise console calculator.
temple 0.7.5, 8 years ago 2.22013-Dec-31Embedded D, Compile Time Template Engine (Vibe.d Compatible)
fileslurp ~master, 10 years ago 1.02013-Dec-27structured text files loading library
apn-d ~master, 7 years ago 0.92013-Dec-27Apple Push Notification (apn) service for D using vibe.d (roughly based on node-apn)
thrift 1.0.0-dev-patch-20…, 10 years ago 0.62013-Dec-26Thrift bindings for D
action-pack ~master, 10 years ago 1.32013-Dec-24A router and controller implemenation for use with vibe.d
zmqd 1.3.0, 2 years ago 2.32013-Dec-22A safe and convenient wrapper for the ZeroMQ messaging framework
proper-d 0.0.2, 8 years ago 0.92013-Dec-20A simple library for reading simple property files.
derelict_extras-purple ~master, 10 years ago 0.62013-Dec-20Dynamic bindings to (lib)purple for the D Programming Language.
derelict_extras-glib ~master, 10 years ago 0.12013-Dec-20Dynamic bindings to glib-2.0 for the D Programming Language.
derelict-il 2.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 0.92013-Dec-18A dynamic binding to the DevIL library.
derelict-vorbis 2.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 1.22013-Dec-12A dynamic binding to libvorbis.
derelict-ogg 2.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 1.12013-Dec-12A dynamic binding to libogg.
stalkd 1.1.5, 4 years ago 1.02013-Dec-10Library for interacting with the Beanstalk message queue.
derelict-lua 2.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 1.92013-Dec-08A dynamic binding to the Lua scripting language library.
ddb 0.3.0, 7 years ago 1.92013-Dec-08Asynchronous Postgresql Binding
diggler 0.2.1, 9 years ago 0.32013-Dec-06IRC bot framework
dirk 0.2.0, 9 years ago 1.22013-Dec-06Standard-compliant, high-performance IRC library
gcm-d 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.72013-Dec-06Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for D (using vibe.d)
std_event ~master, 10 years ago 0.72013-Dec-03A .Net inspired event library implementation for D.
vibe_recaptcha 1.0.0, 11 years ago 0.92013-Dec-03Implementation of Google's reCAPTCHA service in Vibe.d
batch-engine 0.0.2, 10 years ago 1.92013-Dec-01An educational 2D Game Engine ECS based.
tested 0.9.5, 2 years ago 0.62013-Dec-01Unit test runner with structured JSON output of results and resource usage.
dzmq ~master, 11 years ago 0.02013-Nov-23A D wrapper around the ZeroMQ C bindings
libackis 1.0.4, 8 years ago 0.52013-Nov-20A D1/D2/Phobos/Phobos2 compatible library for communicating with Ackis2.0 compatible message routers

Displaying results 2341 to 2390 of 2480 packages found.

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