Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
acme-lw-d 0.2.3, 5 days ago 1.22019-Jun-05A lightweight ACME protocol client written in the D computer language
hunt-shiro 1.3.1, 2 years ago 1.82019-Jun-03A powerful and easy-to-use D security framework that performs authentication, authorization, crypt…
uim-react 0.19.5, 5 years ago 0.22019-May-31D library for ReactJs projects
uim-html 22.1.1, 3 years ago 0.22019-May-30A D library for creating HTML5 projects
uim-vue 0.19.6, 5 years ago 0.22019-May-29D library for working with vue
stl-containers 0.0.0, 5 years ago 1.12019-May-28D bindings/wrapper for STL containers
miniorm 0.0.10, 5 months ago 0.82019-May-26A minimalistic ORM for SQLite
dcontain 1.0.3, 5 years ago 0.62019-May-26Various container types for D
iseven 1.0.2, 5 years ago 0.52019-May-24Check if the input is an even integer
d-cimgui 0.51.0, 5 years ago 0.82019-May-20D bindings for cimgui
vibed-rest-axios 0.1.0, 5 years ago 0.92019-May-19Generator of Rest API JS ES6 client with Axios for Vibe.d
fcm-d 0.2.0, 5 years ago 0.62019-May-18Firebase Cloud Messaging library written on D language
dlist 1.0.1, 5 years ago 0.52019-May-18Implementation of lists in D, like Java ArrayList
sbin 0.10.0, 3 years ago 1.02019-May-13Simple binary [de]serialize
reloaded-vibes 0.2.0, 5 years ago 0.82019-May-13🔄 Smart auto-reloading service and server for web development
datapak 0.1.0-beta, 5 years ago 1.02019-May-09Data file archival with multiple options for compression
pure-dependency-injector 0.9.18, 5 years ago 0.72019-May-09A "pure" dependency injector for D
expected 0.4.0, a year ago 2.82019-May-06Implementation of expected idiom (error handling with ok and err)
djtext 0.3.0, 5 years ago 0.82019-May-06Library for text internationalization inspired by gettext.
xlsxio-d 0.1.5, 5 years ago 1.32019-May-05Bindings for xlsxio Excel reader/writer library
mosquittod 0.2.0, 4 years ago 0.72019-May-05Dynamic mosquitto binding
sdutil 0.4.0, 5 years ago 1.62019-May-05Helpers for communicate with systemd
ssll 0.5.0, 4 years ago 1.32019-May-05Simple shared library load (betterC compatible)
tuple-modifiers 0.1.1, 5 years ago 0.42019-May-04Modify tuple modifiers.
rabbitmq 0.2.7, 9 months ago 0.82019-May-04Bindings and high-level wrapper for librabbitmq-c
sspi-d 0.2.8, 4 years ago 1.22019-May-04SSPI WIndows Authentication Library
tlscheme2json 1.0.4, 5 years ago 0.52019-May-04A TLScheme generator for Json
dfins 0.4.1, 5 years ago 0.72019-May-03D library for Omron FINS protocol
uim-oop 22.8.1, 2 years ago 0.02019-May-01OOP library for D
riverd-ncurses 1.0.5, 5 years ago 0.92019-Apr-30Dynamic and static D bindings for ncurses library
riverd-loader 1.0.2, 5 years ago 0.62019-Apr-30A cross-platform betterC compatible shared library loader for D bindings
hunt-reflection 0.2.1, 5 years ago 0.82019-Apr-29Extensions to runtime reflection in D. It's forked from Mihail-K's Witchcraft originally.
shogi-d 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.52019-Apr-27A shogi board lib.
ddeps 1.1.1, 5 years ago 1.22019-Apr-24Source review support tool.
dpmatch 0.0.11, 5 years ago 0.52019-Apr-20Pattern Matching for D
hunt-snapshot-0_10_7 0.10.7, 5 years ago 0.32019-Apr-20A high performance full-stack Web framework (A snapshot of the old version 0.10.7).
evael 0.0.2, 5 years ago 0.02019-Apr-18Small game engine written in D.
mood 0.2.2, 5 years ago 0.72019-Apr-17PHP-like webpages with vibe.d.
d-speech 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.92019-Apr-16speech processing toolkit for D
mp3decoder 1.0.0, 5 years ago 0.72019-Apr-15mp3 decoder written in D. based on minimp3.
handlebars 0.3.1, a year ago 0.82019-Apr-14A template library compatible with handlebars.js
isodd 0.1.0, 5 years ago 0.12019-Apr-13Parity tests with low cognitive load
dirduster 1.7.1, 9 months ago 0.72019-Apr-10Fast web directory bruteforce
tinyredis_util 0.7.2, 9 months ago 0.82019-Apr-10Low level utility functionality
hunt-time 1.2.0, 3 years ago 0.92019-Apr-10A time library for D programming language.
opencvd 0.0.6, 4 years ago 1.72019-Apr-09OpenCV Wrapper for dlang
dvardumper 0.0.3, 5 years ago 0.22019-Apr-07Variable dumper
bindbc-freeimage 1.1.0, a year ago 3.02019-Apr-04Static & dynamic bindings to FreeImage, compatible with BetterC, @nogc, and nothrow.
hitgvoip 0.0.1-rc1, 5 years ago 0.62019-Apr-01High performance libtgvoip wrapper
jcli 0.25.0-beta.3, 11 months ago 2.62019-Mar-31A fully featured CLI framework for D
nullablestore 2.1.0, 5 years ago 2.92019-Mar-29A Nullable that does not actually much
bindbc-freetype 1.2.6, 31 days ago 3.62019-Mar-29Static & dynamic bindings to FreeType, compatible with BetterC, @nogc, and nothrow.
memoize 3.2.9, 5 years ago 0.72019-Mar-25Memoize struct or class properties.
intervaltree 0.22.1, 3 years ago 0.02019-Mar-21Interval Tree implementations.
darser 1.0.2, 9 months ago 0.22019-Mar-20A D Parser and AST Generator.
eerange 0.0.7, 5 years ago 0.72019-Mar-18"Each with each other" range implementation
neton-client 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.52019-Mar-18A client library for neton.
hunt-service 0.0.1, 5 years ago 1.12019-Mar-18Distributed RPC framework for DLang based on neton.
crunch 0.1.0, 5 years ago 1.12019-Mar-17Fast reader for crunch texture packer
struct-params 1.1.5, 2 years ago 1.12019-Mar-16Default params using structs.
gff3d 1.0.0, 5 years ago 0.02019-Mar-15GFF3 record reader/writer abstraction
dts 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.02019-Mar-14Soon to be annouced.
regionpropsford 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.72019-Mar-11A regionprops implementation for D
hunt-gossip 1.0.0, 5 years ago 0.52019-Mar-11A Apache V2 gossip protocol implementation for D
grpc 0.5.0-beta.2, 2 years ago 1.82019-Mar-11gRPC implementation for D programming language
ffmpeg4d 4.1.0, 5 years ago 2.62019-Mar-10D bindings to FFmpeg
jwtd-es 0.5.0, 5 years ago 0.72019-Mar-06D implementation of JSON Web Token.
cli-d 0.1.1, 5 years ago 0.82019-Mar-05A library that allows super easy parsing of command line arguments
fuse-d 0.6.0, 3 years ago 1.12019-Mar-02A D binding for libfuse
scrapd 1.1.0, 5 years ago 0.52019-Mar-02Scrapbox
graphqld 5.1.6, 2 months ago 3.92019-Feb-25A library to handle the GraphQL Protocol
derelict-cublas 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.32019-Feb-22A dynamic binding to the CUBLAS API.
derelict-curand 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.32019-Feb-22A dynamic binding to the CUBLAS API.
riverd-xxf86vm 1.0.1, 5 years ago 0.62019-Feb-20Dynamic and static D bindings for X11 XFree86 video mode extension library
riverd-xcursor 1.0.1, 5 years ago 0.62019-Feb-20Dynamic and static D bindings for X cursor management library
faked 6.0.1, 6 months ago 3.72019-Feb-19Library to create fake data based on faker.js (generate names, emails, addresses and much more)
hunt-markdown 1.2.0, 2 years ago 1.22019-Feb-19A markdown parsing and rendering library for D programming language.
riverd-x11 0.1.2, 5 years ago 0.62019-Feb-18Dynamic and static D bindings for X11 protocol client library
riverd-lua 1.1.0, 4 years ago 1.22019-Feb-15Dynamic and static D bindings for Lua scripting language library
riverd-core 1.0.1, 5 years ago 0.62019-Feb-15A cross-platform betterC compatible shared library loader for D bindings
pngtext 1.0.1, 4 years ago 0.82019-Feb-14Hides data inside png images
dice 1.0.0, 5 years ago 1.62019-Feb-12Dice notation parsing and resolving
sml 0.1.2, 5 years ago 0.02019-Feb-12SML implementation in D
kwargs 0.0.2, 5 years ago 0.92019-Feb-11Strongly typed keyword arguments
coinmarketcap-d-api 0.1.1, 5 years ago 0.62019-Feb-10Dlang wrapper around the https://coinmarketcap.com API
ipasir-d 0.0.2, 5 years ago 0.72019-Feb-10An interface for IPASIR api of SAT solvers.
harbored-mod 0.3.6, 2 years ago 0.02019-Feb-07A documentation generator for D with support for both DDoc and Markdown in documentation comments.
upromised 0.0.2, 5 years ago 0.62019-Feb-06A minimal D application.
star-entity 1.0.9, 9 years ago 1.02019-Feb-02An open-source D entity-component-system.
libcomcom 0.1.6, 5 years ago 1.12019-Jan-30D wrapper over libcomcom (spawn an OS command with given input and receive its output)
hydroflow 1.2.4, 5 years ago 0.82019-Jan-30D Library for Hydraulics Engineering.
bindbc-nuklear 0.5.1, a year ago 2.22019-Jan-28Dynamic and static bindings to nuklear, compatible with -betterC, @nogc, and nothrow.
frp-d 1.1.0-alpha.1, 5 years ago 0.02019-Jan-25Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) library.
dentist 4.0.0, 2 years ago 1.32019-Jan-24Close assembly gaps using long-reads with focus on correctness.
drocks 0.1.2, a year ago 0.42019-Jan-24RocksServer db client
libsodiumd 0.2.0+1.0.18, 3 years ago 2.32019-Jan-22D binding for libsodium
bindbc-soloud 0.2.0, 3 months ago 1.22019-Jan-22BindBC binding to SoLoud
gltf2loader 0.1.1, 4 years ago 0.12019-Jan-21A simple glTF2 loader in D.
lua 0.5.0, 5 years ago 0.42019-Jan-20Lua bindings
gillespied 0.3.3, 5 years ago 0.92019-Jan-20Physical time reaction propagation library in D. Based on the Gillespie algorithm of 1977 it conta…

Displaying results 951 to 1050 of 2480 packages found.

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